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Everything posted by 10Kilr

  1. I think you would be very pleased. I carried my USPc in the Pro Undercover for a long time. The only problem I did have was that the clip broke, CompTac repaired it free of charge. They have since remedied this with the detachable clips on the Infidel holster. I ordered a couple extra with my holster just in case. Magic mentioned an issue with rust on his Sig. I haven't had any corrosion problems during the time I have been using my holster. Of course, I am carrying a HK.
  2. I carry a USP-C in one of their Infidel holsters. No problems and is rather comfortable, does not have the leather like the M-Tac but a bit more versatile. I used a Pro-Undercover(discontinued) before that and also liked it alot. Either way, Comp-Tac has awesome customer service and a great product.
  3. WOW!! I love a woman with a walker.
  4. No matter how many times I see that, it always makes me smile.
  5. ---I that was a Chevy it would have uprooted the whole bank.....
  6. Glock 26--you won't be disappointed. Easily concealed even on an ankle.
  7. 10Kilr

    Got a G34 Today

    Great shooting gun, you'll enjoy it.
  8. Courage and stupidity have a very fine line. This guy is leaning towards the latter.
  9. 10Kilr

    This is WILD!!

    I used to hunt smurfs with one of those...........
  10. 10Kilr

    Meine Pistole

    I've been threatening to get one of these. Where did you pick it up and how much? If you don't mind
  11. Just remember.....Don't look at it as voting for McCain. Look at it as voting AGAINST Obama.
  12. I'm in...Just need to get some bowling pins and start practicing......
  13. I witnessed some kids do this at Opry Mills one night. It was hilarious! Only difference is that the kids hauled ass with securty right behind them. They weren't hard to find with wet footprints out into the mall. Though I don't think they ever ran them down, mall security didn't look to be in very good shape.
  14. Come on out of the closet........say it.......I'M "Packing"!!!!


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