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Everything posted by Metalhead

  1. This Saturday & Sunday we will be having a sale on Kel-tec P3AT pistols for $249 new ($283.28 otd). We will also have all the .380 FMJ you want, as well as a good amount of HP ammo. Come in and see us!
  2. Last time I went to Texas Roadhouse I remember them having excellent chili. Wasnt soupy, beans, and meat. Just like chili should be.
  3. About $60 if I recall right, I preordered so long ago I dont remember. When you try to log in if you fail it will give you the option to play offline. Edit: I believe you still need a bnet ID though, which WILL require you to have some form of net access though.
  4. Price is in line with all other new release's. No LAN does bother me, but there is offline gameplay.
  5. I have two people from TGO added to my list.... that cant be all =(. Don't make the space marines cry! It doesnt matter if your great or not, greatness can be taught. There are many tools on the new bnet that you can use to better yourself at SC. Aside from the research, diving in is a great way to learn.
  6. Yeah no kiddin, my wife is already pissed about me not coming to bed until like 1 in the morning since release haha. I... must.. have.... all the achievements!
  7. If anyone wants to add me to their friend list my email is d.williams16@gmail.com.
  8. So who is playing? I need people to add to me contact list. And of course, people to utterly destroy.
  9. If I told you then I couldnt sell the book! Really this subject as a whole in general. There are always going to be people that think they should get retail price on a trade-in, but for the most part as long you are reasonable with people or at the very least upfront with why you giving them what you are there are situations like this can be avoided. You are the vast majority of the time going to get more money from individual than a retail business. Just apparently some retail business's are a little more reasonable than others. Course we dont know the entire story, so its hard to say. Edit: I'm also not insinuating that G&L is better than whomever else. There are some shops that just have to have a higher margin in firearms due to overhead. Every business is different in that regard - thus why we have the luxury in this country of shopping around. Edit x2: Also consider that you pay taxes on the difference of a trade, so you are getting a little more than face trade-in value in that regard. A $800 tradein would actually be also saving you an additional $78 in sales tax.
  10. Oh man, I could write a book about this stuff.
  11. I prefer the Kel-tec. The more aggresive checking on the frame helps out.
  12. Depends on if the dog is trained to carry it. Trained properly a dog could be the best thing in the world for a shtf situation I would think.
  13. We have 60+ cases of it atm. Prices range $14-16 depending on brand. We have UMC/PMC/Federal IIRC. No limit.
  14. Is there an online resource somewhere for carbines? Like markings/stamps and what they are and the like? I've got a rifle that someone wants to trade me for something, but something isnt adding up on the rifle, and I dont know very much about them. My usual go-to expert on these isnt in the state atm =/.
  15. And I see they didnt nerf void rays at all haha.
  16. You should try the PC version, AI is a bit smarter than that usually. SC2 AI is actually pretty darn good from what the game I played last night. Tried it on medium difficulty agianst 1 AI, and it actually had me working a bit. Will try it on hard and very hard tonight with several AI and see how that goes.
  17. TGO Foxnews Screwattack.com thesafehouse.org kotaku.com http://notalwaysright.com/
  18. Started last night for those in the beta. I didnt receive any kind of word on it, just happened to run the patcher out of curiosity and it downloaded two patches and let me in around 10pm last night. Only played one match as Terran, but I did notice some new music, and it seemed to run much more smoothly than I remember from Phase 1. They also unlocked all the AI difficulties if you arent quite up to playing people yet and want some practice with something that will at least fight back.
  19. For the record I'd like to state that I have the original Bender avatar! Haha
  20. People still watch this show?
  21. Welcome! I'm in Greenbrier, so pretty close to ya.
  22. Thankfully the world will end before this goes into full swing. =)
  23. Gun was used as a blaster in Spaceballs IIRC.


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