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Everything posted by Metalhead

  1. Not even if I was paid to.
  2. A buddy of mine has one, says he waited around 3 years for his, but he's had it awhile. It's a great knife!
  3. I made some comments last night that were not in anyones best interest, especially mine. I didn't really sit down and think about it at the time like I should have, and I need to apologize to this forum for that. I try to hold myself to a higher standard, and I failed miserably yesterday and made an ass out of myself. I am sorry.
  4. I've actually done it myself a couple times, but that was a couple years ago when I shot GSSF. Doubt I could do it now without alot of refresher.
  5. Prepare to have all your moneyz taken by Kano when he see's this thread. I've seen him do it. Alot.
  6. It's the Cobb .50 if you remember those. Bushmaster bought Cobb and slapped their name on the rifle with a few improvements I believe. The Cobb was a nice rifle, though.
  7. Thats kinda the thing. One post here, one post there prolly would have gone unnoticed for the most part, but sometimes it was upwards of three a day.
  8. Do not mock the awsomeness that is $5 Little Caesars Pizza! Crazy Bread 4 Life
  9. He got Pizza Hut, so he got screwed on that deal!
  10. Update: He just confessed to killing the girl. FOXNews.com - Police: Van der Sloot Confesses to Peru Killing
  11. Axe smells horrible. I really have nothing to contribute to this thread. My kneejerk reaction is to make some kind of snide comment at Straight Shooter's expense, but then I remember that.. I kinda agree with what he's saying. I'm not saying I agree with all of it, but it's high time more guys started acting like real men in my age group. Edit: and I absolutely cannot stand shaking someones hand it being as limp as.. well you know.
  12. Watched it for about 5 minutes and had to turn it on something else. I absolutely hate reality shows and the formula they use - it's so canned. Kano could outshoot all of them.
  13. My Browning Tbolt 22LR - Left hand, ancient one, not a new one - almost never see them in LH! Yeah its not a handgun... and my Sig 228
  14. If she is truly comfortable with the cailber and she already has shooting experience I see no reason why she couldnt get it and be happy. Though I would advise you at least rent one and shoot it first before dropping the change to buy one. As long as she tries it and likes it, thats all that really matters. Just dont fall into the catagory that most men do and buy what you *think* she wants, instead of her actually trying it out first and hating it. Not saying you are, just I see it on a daily basis.
  15. Not to mention that .40 is a bad caliber to start shooting on for the most part. Recoil is rather bad given the size, and much, much more prone to developing bad shooting habits (IE, anticipation) starting with it vs alot of other cals.
  16. Easy, 5.7 upper for your AR!
  17. The trigger is terrible. How much shooting xp does she have? If she has good trigger control it wont be a problem as the gun itself usually will function flawlessly for the money. However if she is new to shooting its prolly not the best thing in the word for her. For the same money I'd say a Bersa compact or one of the new HD Smiths, thought the Hs is just a bit more, but has a much better trigger.
  18. I hand over whichever I grab first, usually my DL but sometimes my HCP. I've only ever had one gas station attendant say "OMG this isnt a state ID!" but she sold me my beer anyway...
  19. http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-general/20100602/LT.Peru.Van.der.Sloot/ LIMA, Peru — A Dutch man long suspected in the disappearance of an Alabama teen in Aruba was arrested Thursday in the murder of a young woman in Peru. Stephany Flores, 21, was killed in a Lima hotel Sunday, five years to the day after Natalee Holloway disappeared. The suspect, Joran van der Sloot, was escorted by three police officers as he was taken from a dark vehicle into a police office in downtown Santiago, Chile. He made no comment as he entered, walking calmly and without handcuffs as journalists shouted his name. Van der Sloot was detained while traveling in a taxi, about halfway to the coast on Route 68, said Prefect Alfredo Espinosa, chief national spokesman for Chile's investigative police. The suspect did not resist and has been calm in detention, Espinosa said. Chilean police are awaiting instructions from their counterparts in Peru, Espinosa added. In Lima, police Gen. Cesar Guardia said Flores, who had been seen with the suspect early Sunday, was found Wednesday lying face down on the floor of van der Sloot's hotel room. Her neck was broken, and she was fully clothed, with no signs of having been sexually abused, Guardia told The Associated Press. Authorities found no potential murder weapons in the room, Garcia said. Flores was killed exactly five years after the May 30, 2005, disappearance of Holloway during a high school trip in Aruba, a Dutch Caribbean island where van der Sloot's late father was a prominent judge. Prosecutors said van der Sloot is still their main suspect in the case even though he was never charged. Guardia said the 22-year-old Dutchman was in Peru for a poker tournament and appears with the dead woman in a video taken at a Lima casino early Sunday. The two were later seen entering the hotel by one of its employees about 5 a.m. and the Dutchman departed alone about four hours later, he said. "We have an interview with a worker at the hotel who says she saw this foreigner with the victim enter his room," Guardia said. The victim's father, Ricardo Flores, 48, is a former president of the Peruvian Automobile Club who won the "Caminos del Inca" rally in 1991 and brings circuses and foreign entertainers to Peru. He ran for vice president in 2001 and for president five years later on fringe tickets. A lawyer for van der Sloot in New York, Joe Tacopina, cautioned against a rush to judgment. "Joran van der Sloot has been falsely accused of murder once before. The fact is he wears a bull's-eye on his back now and he is a quote-unquote usual suspect when it comes to allegations of foul play," Tacopina said. Van der Sloot was twice arrested but later released for lack of evidence in the 2005 disappearance of Holloway in Aruba. No trace of her has been found and van der Sloot remains the main suspect in the case, Ann Angela, spokeswoman for the Aruba prosecutor's office, said Wednesday. "What's happening now is incredible," she said. "At this moment we don't have anything to do with it, but we are following the case with great interest and if Peruvian authorities would need us, we are here." The mystery of Holloway's disappearance garnered wide attention on television and in newspapers in Europe and the United States. Two years ago, a Dutch television crime reporter captured hidden-camera footage of van der Sloot saying he was with Holloway when she collapsed on a beach from being drunk. He said he believed she was dead and asked a friend to dump her body in the sea. Judges subsequently refused to arrest van der Sloot on the basis of the tape. A spokeswoman for Holloway's mother, Beth Twitty of Mountain Brook, Alabama, told the AP the family was aware of the development in Peru but would have no comment.


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