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About Jpoc700

  • Birthday 02/16/1967

Profile Information

  • Location
    Chapel hill,TN
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Machine operator


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1

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  1. Welcome to the forum and to chapel hill lots of good shooters around here.
  2. Best fire starter duraflame pieces.
  3. They are awesome, we use ours all the time.
  4. Take care of you then please enjoy the great state of Tennessee
  5. Tuff business I have supported some but others not a chance in hell.
  6. I haven't been but I think the Royal range has classes for that and they support the page we are using. I'm a member of strategic edge they are not the cheapest that's forsure. It depends on your skills before going to class on how much the instructor matters, I have been to multiple classes in multiple states, some instructors were fantastic, some were not. Get your permit, then continue your training, not cheap but neither is your life or others. Good luck
  7. If you are not watching(listening) to SRS you are missing out. Great show on many topics with many great people.
  8. Just a friendly reminder if you keep your firearm loaded, as you should their is a chance the bullet seat can change, while you chamber it over again and again. New school of thought is those rounds should be used for range time in case they don't function properly. I now do this but I have never had any issues. Keep safe and your head on a swivel.
  9. Welcome,strategic edge is a great another member enjoy the shooting.
  10. I know I'm old but I carried a pocket knife in grade school starting 3rd grade maybe younger. I also brought my father's K-bar and a Nazi dagger that my great uncle took from let's say someone who didn't need it anymore, to school for show and tell. Maybe it's the way we were raised compared to how kids are today, maybe it's the drugs we hand out like candy. I know one thing theirs a lack of respect and accountability, until that changes things will remain messed up.
  11. New one is out in 57 using FN style mags. That one has my interest.
  12. It's the way it should be but currently I doubt it will pass.


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