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Everything posted by Jeb48

  1. I agree the money isn't enough from what I see in East TN for 60 acres. I have not had any problems with the native born treating me as an outsider. My best shooting friend has roots back to before TN was a state. Maybe because I don't think of them any different than anyone else. I have more problem from a few yankees that complain about things not being the same as where they came from. I actually told one fellow maybe he should move back. I partially solved the land problem by buying next to the National forest, I only have 7.5 acres but have tens of thousand of acres out my back door. And I do shoot off my back deck. Half hour or less from big cities that have everything I need.
  2. The Earp photo may be from a different movie. Here is a picture of Wyatt, if it is the same person this picture is when he was older.
  3. Maybe Judge Roy Bean can settle the dispute :-)
  4. I looked up Tombstone's publicity shot and if mine isn't real it isn't from the 1993 movie. Here is the movie shot.
  5. Doc Holliday, Virgil Earp, Wyatt Earp, Morgan Earp
  6. President Roosevelt views an 8-inch railway gun while touring the Aberdeen Proving Grounds
  7. I keep a count of rounds, type/manufacture and what gun, for everything but .22s and shotguns. I don't keep track of when. As part of what I record is any failures and what type of failure, to see if there is a repeatable problem with a certain ammo. I do keep notes on .22 failures with gun, ammo, type of failure. I just keep it all in a spreadsheet with a page for each gun, all .22 data is one sheet.
  8. North Koreas latest weapon
  9. All ready to go out on the town
  10. Another - What are they shooting at? - Picture
  11. Can't see any details of the gun but I like the picture.
  12. Not sure who the other person is. I initially thought a cop but then who is the shooter. Car isn't of the type that would normally have a driver, a rumble seat roadster.
  13. Nice lever, wonder what he is shooting at.
  14. Margaret Thatcher out for a walk after the six day Iranian embassy siege in London May 1980
  15. Here is a cute little pea shooter
  16. German T Gewehl anti-tank rifle WW-1. That's a lot of gun.
  17. As long as we are around WW-1 here is a pre-WW-1 Guards Battalion of the Prussian Army with KAR98s
  18. With the talk of punches it reminded me I found this nice brass USA made punch set for roll pin removal a couple of weeks ago at a flea market. I never had a dedicated punch set for roll pins but I knew if I ever had a punch slip and mess up a finish on one of my guns I would regret not buying the right tool for the job.
  19. With legs like that ............
  20. Been thinking of getting into 3 gun but have not done any research on what I need yet. I don't understand your comment that the pump really only makes sense for heavy metal.


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