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Everything posted by Wade195

  1. Did anyone happen to catch the new Henry TV add last Saturday morning? Came on at 6:00 in the morning. It looks like Henry will be adding a new Lever action 410 shotgun, new single shot shotgun, and a new single shot rifle. All to be coming in January. For me, I am excited. Regard
  2. Nice Looks like a blast brother. Sharon and I just stopped by Acadamy but didn't see you.. Have a good one
  3. I have a 2008 Ridgeline. It just rolled over to 100,000 miles. it serves me for what I use it for. Love the trunk and the ability to store items. It drives well, I like the fold up rear seats. In mine the fuel mileage is low around town. 15mpg maybe? On a trip 20mpg. The air conditioner is mediocre at best. I don't like that if you use 4wd it will only stay in up to 18 mph. I have pulled a small trailer with my motorcycles on it and for that it was OK. it looks a little goofy, but hey so am I. Lol. Would I buy another one? Maybe. But mine is paid for and I put less than 10k a year on it so I am hoping it will go another 4 years until I retire. I do like the looks of the new ones. Hope that helps. Doug
  4. I like the way you think hipower.
  5. Got mine today. We will be at the range with it this weekend. Musicman if you aren't working this weekend maybe we can take the girls for some shooting?
  6. Good review musicman I got rid of my shield and was going to buy the performance but have been on the fence for a few weeks now. I think I might have to go see my favorite gun shop? Thank you Doug
  7. Looking forward to another one of your knives in the near future.
  8. Got my shirt in the mail today. It looks great Thanks to all that made this happen. I a grateful. Doug
  9. Great work GT look forward to another one of yours in the near future.
  10. There you go again teasing us. Great work as always.
  11. Mine is an old 3 blade Boker Tree Brand that belonged to my grandfather. its been used and abused and has been worked down to where one of the blades will stick you if you are not careful when it's in your pocket. i would like to say it's probably 50 plus years old, but I am not positive on that account. it just kind of feels right.
  12. Great work make me want another one of yours
  13. Got mine ordered as well. thank you for getting this all together. doug
  14. Mike Thanks for the information on the history of your knife Maybe the rest of the group would appreciate it if you would share it with them? Great history lesson. Something I found interesting is the way the company did its research. They went straight to the end user on what they wanted and thought. No focus groups, no big type marketing. Great read. Thanks Doug
  15. Congrats on the new blade miorr. Hope you don't mind but I want the same. Spoke with GT today and hope to have one later on. Keep us posted on it. Doug
  16. That's it. I want one.. Lol. I will PM you. Thanks Doug
  17. I know what you are saying. I need one like that last one.
  18. Wow GT. Great work. I love the last one. What is it. Doug
  19. I agree. I have been lucky enough to buy 2 so far. I am waiting to see what comes next. I am ready for another one. Congrats
  20. They have always treated Sharon and I great. We are members and have never been asked to buy their ammo. For us it is best to go later in the evening when the lanes are not so full. Have a great day


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