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Everything posted by deerslayer

  1. Whatever the case, I hope people don't start using this video to argue that revolvers are just as good or better than semi-autos. If you're Jerry Miculek, this is true; if you're one of the other five or six billion earthlings, you won't be able to do this with a revolver.
  2. I hear ya--a .380 is better than a knife, but I bet Chuck and Tom would prefer taking four .380s over two .40s. My goal is to avoid situations where a Kel-Tec is the only thing I can carry. Right now, I can easily hide my Glock 27 about 90% of the time. The Kel-Tec is mainly used when I am jogging or when I want a BUG.
  3. The suspect mags need to be disassembled and inspected, since you don't know who installed the grip extensions. Make sure there is a mag insert--the small, flat black piece that goes between the spring and the baseplate. Some people leave these out when installing grip extenders. It shouldn't matter whether the mag ext. is a +0, +1, or +2--they should all run fine if they are Pierce. Also, as mentioned above, the mag follower could be an issue as well.
  4. He also showed us a target clip (thin black sheet metal clip) that got shot with a .380. First, he showed one that got hit by a 9mm, and it had a 9.1mm hole in it. Then, one hit by a .45, and it had a .46 caliber hole in it. Then, he brought out the one hit with a .380, and the bullet just splattered against it. He said if someone is shooting at you with a .380, just hide behind a few of these clips. His summary of the .380 (exact words): "this thing is a f***ing joke!" Jeez Tom, why not tell us what you're really thinking?
  5. I once asked Chuck Taylor about this--I was thinking the same thing: carry FMJs in my Kel-Tec instead of HPs to insure penetration. His answer? Get a J-frame. :rolleyes: I have almost decided that a Kahr PM9 or 40 can be concealed just about anywhere my P3AT can, and should be much more powerful, especially the PM40.
  6. A LOT of people I shoot with (competitively) are having many issues with their Kimbers. I had a CDP and was terribly disappointed with it (no, it did not have the troublesome external extractor). Kimbers were the shiznit when they first came out, but their quality control has gone to hell, possibly due to the fact that they have grown and expanded their lineup so quickly.
  7. Draw and fire in .15? I don't think I can do that.
  8. Correction--his first shot was .85--all the more phenomenal.
  9. That guy was good. Using my leather thumb-break holster (my CCW holster), I can draw and fire one shot from concealment (vest) from the retention position (one-handed, gun out of holster and simply rotated 90 degrees downrange) at a target within arm's reach in about .6-.7 seconds. In 1.07 seconds, he drew from a holster concealed under an untucked shirt (harder/ slower to execute), got a two-handed grip, and shot the guy 10 yards away. I can accomplish what he did with an OWB holster and no concealment in 1.07, but throw on a vest and it adds another .15-.2 seconds. Ripping an untucked shirt before drawing? I'm not sure how much time that would add to my first shot, but it would be a lot. That guy was a pro indeed.
  10. I can easily conceal a Glock 23 with shorts and an untucked polo; in fact, that is what I usually wear when the temperature is above 60.
  11. Back in the 60s, my dad witnessed a guy get shot several times in the chest at point-blank range with a .25, and the guy receiving the .25s grabbed an old lady and held her between himself and the gunman. He was definitely not "neutralized." BTW, my dad said the poor old lady was "singing a tune." No kidding. I just did some training with Tom Givens this weekend, and he told a story of a shooting he investigated that involved a man getting shot five times in the chest with a .380. None of the bullets penetrated into his chest cavity, and after receiving the five .380s, he proceeded to beat the shooter half to death. Of course, you can kill someone with a .380 or a .25--you may kill them in their tracks, or they may die next week in the hospital. Your chances of neutralizing them are far greater with a .40 or .45. The trick is to figure out how to keep from leaving that .40 or .45 at home. I have a .380, and it is better than a pocket knife, but I am about to get rid of it for something more substantial. I never carry it as a primary CCW.
  12. I'm looking for a new BUG/jogging gun to replace my P3AT, and have been considering a PM9 and a J-frame. Any thoughts positive/negative about the Kahr? I haven't shot one, but have dry-fired them, and don't particularly care for the trigger, but I'm more interested in your opinions on reliability if you have one.
  13. unless they don't even know that they've been shot, which SOMETIMES happens when somone determined to kill you gets shot with any pistol round. A 9mm, .40, or a .45 handgun is a lousy tool for stopping a human in his tracks, but a .380 is the pits, especially when coming out of a 2" Kel-Tec.
  14. NEVER MODIFY YOUR GLOCK! IT WON'T BE RELIABLE! j/k. We shot this video last weekend. Evan's G34 is modded front to back--only the barrel is stock. I believe he has a Vanek trigger kit in his; this gun shoots like a champ. [ame] [/ame]
  15. Well, I've never voted for the lesser of two evils in the presidential election and don't plan to start this year--I just can't vote for a liberal Democrat who claims to be a conservative, even if his VP is a reincarnated Teddy Roosevelt. I will, however, participate in House/Senate elections.
  16. I disagree. Here is what I did with my $500 Winchester Model 70 and a $300 Redfield scope at 500 yards. Seven shots--seven hits. Keep in mind that I am a simple, untrained city slicker with a deer rifle. These pics are of a life-size, cardboard Snoop Dog standup display. I hunted with a 200 yard zero, and calculated my bullet drop to be ~44" at that range. I used "Kentucky" windage and elevation--if I had dialed in the range on my scope, my results probably would have been better, but I did not want to risk screwing up my zero during hunting season. Now this bit of shooting would certainly not impress Carlos Hathcock, but I wasn't embarrassed. Snoop would have been leaking badly. With a little practice and a little knowledge/training on judging wind, I have no doubt that I could quickly improve. I don't think it would take $3500 to play around at 800 yards.
  17. I don't see how VP choice is that important--the president's cabinet members usually have more clout than the VP. Regardless of who the VP is, McCain will still be the nominee, and therefore possibly the president, and I think four years of McCain will damage the Republican party so badly that we may see 20 years of Democratic presidents after his first term. Therefore, I seriously doubt I will vote for him. Four years of Barack or Hillary may unite the right and be a blessing in disguise (as long as gun rights survive). I think our attention should now turn to taking back the House and the Senate--the White House is lost no matter who is elected. It is an insult to those who died for our freedoms to simply shrug one's shoulders and vote for the lesser of two evils, especially when those two evils look so similar.
  18. Possibly a Glock 34 and a Smith 442.
  19. If McKennedy wins the Republican nomination, I will probably skip the next presidential election for the first time in my life. If McKennedy wins the election, I will start refreshing my Spanish.


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