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Everything posted by Snaveba

  1. So apparently you can’t comment on AI taking control being not much different than Republicans or Democrats taking control, since control is control, then make the comment that you just don’t really care because you are about out of Fs to give with out getting a 3-day ban from the forum. I’m guessing it is the last comment that was the “Forum Rule” broken. Though I don’t know what wrong with the letter F. Well now it is a month ban, not three days. Dang they have thin skin for a bunch of folks who will spout right-wing conspiracy BS.
  2. From my experience and discussions with my wife, teachers don’t want to carry a gun in their classroom. They want to teach, they don’t want to be school cops.
  3. I would hope that the larger, more affluent private schools that have big donors and can afford private security will do the right thing and turn down the offered money. This will leave more for the public schools and smaller private schools that run on a much tighter budget.
  4. I hope there are never this many funerals in one weekend again in my life.
  5. I don’t know any, but if you find someone who does a good job, pass the info along. I to lost a huge witch-hazel, I fear a huge Ligustrum, and much of my privet hedge and bronze leaf elaeagnus hedge.
  6. I think there are probably liberal, agnostic, gun owning, non military, pro-choice, non NRA folks here as well. Or Moderate, Christian, gun owning, pro-choice indifferent on the NRA folks. That is what makes this a great forum. we have members of differing opinion, but I feel we all understand the importance of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. For the most part we respect (some maybe tolerate) each other’s differing viewpoints.
  7. I will say, I loved my 6.5 Grendel on the AR platform. It was a sweet shooting rifle. Someone should grab this. GLWS
  8. It more about what the School is publicly saying on certain topics. I don’t want to “officially” (as the spouse of a member of the leadership team) release information that they are not yet officially commenting on.
  9. I know everything. But I don’t know what I can/should comment on.
  10. I have not heard of any release of the “manifesto “
  11. I believe both of those were in the works. Unfortunately, small Christian schools don’t tend to have large endowments.
  12. I know. I don’t recall how old Adam Lanza was. But Aubrey had been gone from the school for close to 18 years. Her brother did go there from pre-k through 6th, but still that’s a long way to reach back.
  13. Bump with updated stuff and price.
  14. Never in my craziest nightmares did I think that this would happen at TCS. As a parent, you can’t even really go there. That is a rabbit hole that you just can’t go down. If I can’t trust a school, can I trust a movie theater, or concert hall, or sporting event, or parade, or any other public venue. I want my kids and everyone’s kids safe. I want us all safe. But we live in an unfair, imperfect, world with evil. We just have to either all have guns (not a bad idea) no one have guns (not a good idea) or just hope that we don’t win this particular lottery. Of all the schools in Tennessee for there to be a school shooter (I am differentiating between this type of attack, and a fight or quarrel that ends is violence between students) it ended up happening at home. I do think we need to protect out children. And a school security officer it a good idea. The Kroger near my house has a security guard, malls have security guards, public venues have security guards. It doesn’t mean we are guaranteed to be safe, but it is a deterrent.
  15. We had to cover the memorial at TCS last night to protect is from the storms. We got it all uncovered this morning.
  16. Like milk on a hot summer day
  17. I think you need to buy my 300BO
  18. I just need some work to pop up at WattsBar or Kingston, that would get me close.


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