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Everything posted by bteague2

  1. I want to get some custom engraved .45 rounds now
  2. I agree, I'm glad I got mine before they added that.
  3. Down range? You shouldn't have any loose bullets.
  4. Here is the letter that I sent to the Beacon regarding todays letter to the editor.
  5. Here is the link to Monday's article: http://dailybeacon.utk.edu/showarticle.php?articleid=53038 And here is the link to today's 2 editorials: http://dailybeacon.utk.edu/sectionindex.php?subject=Letters
  6. Why was there a guy at the fence line taping landing airplanes? Is anyone else confused?
  7. http://www.aspentimes.com/article/2008198091324 Good article about the upcoming election and one of it's most ignored groups of voters.
  8. I didn't get to shoot his HS 1911 but he said he'd bring it back next time he visits. I like the Springfield GI 1911, although I haven't handled one yet I'm going to assume most 1911's are basically similar.
  9. I carry at home, but I live in an apartment complex.
  10. In the first video at the end when they show it in super slow motion is the last shot a squib round? There wasn't muzzle blast like the first two and you can see a round or something almost fall out the end? (maybe I'm wrong and it was the case being ejected?)
  11. the 1911 bug. My buddy came into town this weekend and brought his High Standard 1911. He let me take it apart and handle it all weekend. It just felt great and watching him take it completely apart and putting it back together (something that voids the XD warranty) was pretty cool. So I know have to add a 1911 to my list of gun diseases that I need to (pro)cure. (sorry couldn't help it )
  12. Alright it won't work but there were paragraphs in my letter.
  13. The UT student newspaper The Daily Beacon had an extremely anti-gun piece in their "Rocky Tops & Bottoms" section today. They have not updated their website for today but when they do I will post a link to it. I wrote a letter to them and hope any other UT students on here will do the same.
  14. We had a training day with the dummy claymores in ROTC freshmen year. I don't remember much, but if your on the sharp end of one your having a bad day.
  15. I have a pair of LL Bean boots, they were a Christmas present one year and I love them. They are brown hiking boots, the waterproofing has worn off but that would be easy to fix if it was a problem for me.
  16. On April 5th in Gatlinburg there is a memorial road march "race" that UT's ROTC is putting on, I got roped into doing the website. I know quite a few of you are veterans, reservists/national guard, or active duty; if anyone is interested in finding out more information: http://mountainmanmarch.com/ Thanks, Barrett (if you find any errors please tell me)
  17. Hey now, don't go dragging lacrosse into this. Back on the basketball game though... GO VOLS!
  18. It's been around a little longer then the movie 300 , but that's what brought into popular culture.
  19. I did not vote as I won't know until I have to, but I think a better question would be if the tornadoes a couple of weeks ago had hit the whole state, and the governor activated the NG and we got "federal aid" in the form of active duty military, and then suspended the right to have guns, then what? Katrina part II anyone?
  20. I'll be there Saturday, and I'll be "dragging" people from school.
  21. bteague2

    Fun w/ guns

    You were there in spirit and in tannerite.
  22. bteague2

    Fun w/ guns

    That was a fun day, couldn't think of a better way to spend a birthday
  23. Duh, it didn't work so well the first time because people still had guns. After guns it's prohibition part II.
  24. I'm sorry but banning google? That would accomplish nothing, they have gotten to the point where they are one of the mega companies where they are pretty much unstoppable.


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