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Everything posted by bteague2

  1. After exchanging some emails with the guy, he found out last minute and did what he could so I calmed down (significantly) and offered to help and told him what resources and contacts I have. Hopefully Thursday or Friday you guys will have something to read or see.
  2. I was, our campus rep was an idiot, a non TN resident, didn't know anything about guns from what I could tell by talking to her. So I left and with a group of friends and cadets from the Army/Air Force ROTC we got the Shooting Club reactivated here. So yeah I'm doing things, and that's why I was mad when there was nothing going on at school today, no emails nothing, and I had to find out about it through the News Sentinel article...
  3. If there not going to put any effort into it, I'm sure as hell not going to be joining them. I sent the guy in the article a wtf email.
  4. Biggest load of BS ever. I can't believe I had to find out about this from the newspaper AFTER I got home from class. This Robinson guy dropped the ball big time... </rant>
  5. ahh you freak, i'll take a beer any day over your gin "drinks", if there was only a little smiley face throwing up...
  6. I think the US is too big in that map.
  7. Mine has the marks on the striker(the bottom two arrows) but not on the stopper(the top arrow)
  8. Thanks to Frank (ETS Inc), I have my foot in the door of the AR disease. The rifle lower has a matching "upper" for me to wear.
  9. About a mile from the Sevierville fairgrounds where the gun show is there is the Muscle Car Museum.
  10. That's cool but I'd rather not use the computer for this.
  11. I want to start a record for my guns, not of round counts but serial numbers, descriptions, information I'd need for insurance or the police if they were stolen. I was thinking: make, model, serial number, any modifications, distinctive markings, am I missing anything else? And I do plan on keeping pictures of the guns in addition to the information written down.
  12. Thats cool, but you can only build M4 style ARs
  13. Naw, she's in Russia for now....
  14. The TV is to check if you've made the news yet when you use your evil assault rifle to start shooting up your school/church/office/bar. DUH
  15. I'd say awful(partially true) things about Frank but he's staying at my apartment.
  16. You left the range with a non functioning 870 and didn't tell me you got it to work again, by standards better then mine that counts as broken. And watching it happen was hilarious.
  17. jcoyle6. On our trip to the range today he killed a Remington 870. Lets give him a round of applause for breaking one of if not the most dependable shotgun made.
  18. Good for her. But it kind of sounds like she shot one of them in the back, elbow and butt wounds?
  19. There are still plenty of gun manufacturers here, but beer sounds good.
  20. Alright this one falls during spring break, I should be able to make it.
  21. They do, next time your in Knoxville stop by Knoxville Airsoft. They have all sorts of guns, and they are the "nice" ones made out of metal with the correct weight and everything.


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