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Everything posted by Bigiron

  1. Just sprayed my keyboard with coffee over that comment. I got the same canned response from Corker and Alexander. But, as oldogy sez, we could have much worse Senators. Peasant from Nashville.
  2. Bigiron

    Speed Loaders

    Thanks Goomba. Ordered them today.
  3. Bigiron

    Speed Loaders

    Thanks guys for the replies. OhShoot...I have the Crimson Trace grips which might cause a problem. Might have to resort to the "cram and wiggle" technique. Thanks for the tip.
  4. Bigiron

    Speed Loaders

    Can someone point me to a local vendor for speed loaders for a Ruger SP101, purty pleeze.
  5. Bigiron

    I felt bad...

    Gotta love those Mosins, especially the snipers. I have 4 Mosins and hope to add a sniper someday.
  6. GunsForAmerica has a half dozen or so Bersas in stock...as of yesterday.
  7. Bought today...SP101 .357 with Crimson Trace grips. Very nice DA/SA trigger. Found it at guns for america.
  8. OMG, I looked at that picture, now I wanna puke.
  9. What happened to the Motorcycle Enthusiast link on TGO?
  10. Yawn. I'd rather have a root canal than watch a bunch of misguided butt lickers fawn over their idol. I think I'll go cling to my religion and guns.
  11. I have a hawk "working" my neighborhood. Occasionally I hear owls communicating from the trees in my yard. I can remember when neither were around. I'm glad to see mother nature making a comeback, in spite of our destruction of their habitat. Sorry for your loss. I am glad to see so many on this site respecting/loving our wild life.
  12. The new speaker, with no Repub backing him, will probably get trounced in his next re-election bid by a dem candidate with Naifeh's backing. Williams will be screwed for he will not have backing of either party. I suspect this has been Naifeh's grand plan all along. I am hopeful that park/restaurant bills at least will get a floor vote, but am not holding my breath.
  13. Just my .02 worth, but you may find that scope/mounting system to be quite unstable, accuracy wise. Surplusrifle.com was where I read about the issue. I almost bought the scope/mount system, before I read the article.
  14. It is a matter of control. The robber barons want control of ever facet of your life. Then they tax it....more control. When will we stand together and vote the MF's out of office? Our only method of control.
  15. Happy New Year to all. May 2009 bring you health, happiness, and propserity. God Bless our troops.
  16. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Let's ban people.
  17. That's a good deal. I paid $300.00 plus TIC & Tax for 9MM UC NIB with two 13 rnd mags.
  18. A Taurus 85 UL or 85-6 UL for the wife.
  19. Call the USPS Postal Inspector, they will take this matter seriously.
  20. $1.59 at the Kroger on Hwy 100 near Natchez Trace.
  21. My son went to the Jackson gun show. He said there were plenty of shoppers but very little to buy.
  22. Prolly a lot of masturbation back in those days. or a lot of paper sacks.


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