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Everything posted by Bigiron

  1. Lighten up guys. Zero won't take/tax our guns and ammo.....the tooth fairy and the easter bunny told me so.
  2. Recently wwent thru this with my FIL. In seven years he went from a brilliant neuro surgeon to a shell of a broken old man. Research alzheimers on the internet. Print it out and make the family read it. It is a horrible disease, and there is no cure. The anger and violence will escalate. Incontinence will begin. Short term memory disappears. There is a real danger he will harm himself or others. Take those guns, and avoid a tragedy. I will pray for all concerned.
  3. Anytime something can be taxed, or charged a fee for, it will never be repealed. Rights are trumped by money, everytime.
  4. Age limit max of 66. I'm a year over the limit.
  5. Sincere condolences to you and family. I lost a daughter years ago after a premature birth. Take solace that she is in God's hands.
  6. Likewise. I could not access TGO yesterday afternoon nor last night. I wondered if I had screwed up my computer somehow.
  7. I wish the officer would have added: Oh, by the way, I hear that the Army is going to use part of this area as their new artillery range.
  8. Super cool hand gun. Congrats.
  9. The part about disbanding congress sounded like a winner.
  10. Would love to have a picture of that.
  11. After two gov't tours to southeast asia and many years on a police firing range, my hearing is just about gone. Wish I had been smarter when i was younger and had used hearing protection.
  12. Bigiron


    Good conviction, and good riddance.
  13. I'm doing an in-depth search for sympathy, just can't seem to find any.
  14. Bigiron

    Would you trade?

    Overwound my Rolex and broke the main spring. $485.00 plus shipping to fix. Now it sits in a drawer and I wear a Seiko. Used Rolex's are difficult to sell due to all the fakes available. My advice is to keep the rifle.
  15. Bigiron

    Dog injury

    I bet if it were the dog's choice, he wouldn't have you put down.
  16. No sympathy from me. Pay a dimwit millions and millions and he want to pout when things don't go his way. Titans screwed up big time by not signing Jay Cutler.
  17. No facts here. just clinging to my religion and guns.


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