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Everything posted by Bigiron

  1. Get the Curio & Relic license, find a bunch of rifles, etc that you cannot live without, and be broke like the rest of us.
  2. Yeah, i got a letter too. Didn't really appreciate the fact that someone/anyone has access to the HCP list, especially telemarketers. More of Nazi Naifeh's intelligence at work.
  3. +1. Always glad to hear of the good guys winning one.
  4. Amen! Thank you to all the veterans who gave us this great Country.
  5. Lots of sickos out there. Also plenty of ammo.
  6. Good news indeed. It took my wife being robbed before she decided she wanted her own gun.
  7. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
  8. Bigiron

    My Adult Toys

    Great gun collection. That is one fine looking Ultra. Like me, my Harley is old, but very functional. Thanks for posting pix of your toys.
  9. Obama's first act will be to push for a reparations bill. A payback to those who elected him. After all, it's not his money.
  10. A shame this will not be seen in any major media.
  11. They gotta keep it going so they can blame it on the Repubs.
  12. Bigiron

    Bersa .380 Question

    I have the Bersa CC in .380. No problems with it. Perfect pocket gun.
  13. Thanks gentlemen. Ten bucks saved is two gallons of gas, this week. Next week will probably be higher. Yawl have a great day.
  14. Tried the search feature, to no avail. So I'll just ask my question with absolute confidence that someone here will know the answer. I plan to buy two handguns from the same vendor, at the same time. Will I have to pay two $10.00 TICS fees, or will it be considered just one purchase? It's not that I'm cheap....yeah it is, I'll admit it.
  15. Sorry to hear of your unfortunate accident. Always bad to hear of a fellow biker down. Glad you were able to walk(limp) away.
  16. Good for joe. He should run for President.
  17. Tungsten, you are a lucky man.
  18. Happy Birthday. Enjoy that great new toy.
  19. Simple way is to hire Naifeh's wife as a lobbyist. Let the games begin.
  20. Depending upon where I'm going, or dressed: Bersa CC in .380, Glock 23 in .40, or Colt Gold Cup in .45. None of the three have ever malfunctioned.
  21. You have my highest admiration and respect for the work you do. Heights absolutely scare the heck out of me. Guess I wouldn't make a very good bird. Stay safe!


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