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Everything posted by greenego

  1. Sorry for you loss. Will keep you and your wife in my prayers.
  2. Mike is correct. The rules only apply to those other guys. Besides we not only have the new JFK/MLK we also get the smartest woman in the world. Maybe Bill will come alone for the fringe benefits.
  3. Bail out the big 3, trade your Honda for a Ford.
  4. Here is your chance to show your knowledge. http://americancivicliteracy.org/resources/quiz.aspx I got 29 out of 33.
  5. I don't think the word is stupid its ignorant. They don't teach history or civics in schools anymore. Just look at all the man in the street interviews. Most of these people have no idea how the government or country is suppose to work. Its very sad, but these are the dumb masses. Its way past time for term limits and at least a question or two about our country before you allow someone to vote.
  6. Ron Paul is right. It doesn't look like there is any end to all these bail outs. They are just making a very bad problem much worse. Reagan was right in 87. Too bad someone like him is not calling the shoots today.
  7. This is not the first time the big three has been in trouble. If they are bailed out it won't be the last. I am afraid the next step the government my take is to make sure all the autos build in the US are union. From what I understand most of the money given to the auto makers so far has gone to pay for union obligations. Unions give big bucks to politicians and circle goes on. The whole thing makes me sick.
  8. In case no one noticed this politician is a Republican, and he said "its not our money". Now who do we vote for?
  9. greenego

    12 ga pump

    I purchased a Mossberg 500 early last summer. Came with 18" and 28" barrel. Put a Knoxx CompStock on it. Made a world of difference with shooting slugs.
  10. Wheel guns are great. I have an S&W 620 and Ruger SP101 both 357.
  11. I just voted.Still 79% for 21% against. 23897 responses
  12. I have heard and seen the good and bad side of unions. Having grown up in W.VA. I am old enough to have heard how bad it was before the unions. I am young enough to have seen the unions help end deep mining. The biggest problem I have with unions is they are like the government. They stop looking out for the people they are suppose to help and only look out for themselves.
  13. Does anyone know if this attempt to limit free speech will include broadcasts on the internet or satellite radio? Neither were around the first time they did this.
  14. I have never purchased from Cheaper Than Dirt, but problem is very simple. If you think the price is too high don't buy from them. If enough people think the price is too high and don't buy they will lower the price. Shop around.
  15. Carry permits are done on a state by state. As far as I know the feds don't say anything about carry permits. Looks like if the feds tried to ban hand gun carry it would infringe on states rights. I think we fought a war over states rights. States lost.
  16. The next time you see this question, they may be asking it on a job app. or something else government mandated.
  17. I signed their petition. If I didn't listen to talk radio I would have to listen the the same music I have heard for 40 years.
  18. Many blacks believe whites get some kind of "special" breaks. Prior to the 60s I am sure the "breaks" was discrimination. I had a black guy tell me that he was going to start a business. He wanted me to get him all the benefits that the white people got when they started a business. I told blacks got the same benefits as whites. He didn't believe me and never came back. What is going to happen when Obama's supports wake up and realize he is not going to do any more for them than that old white guy would have done?
  19. I really believe the lines will be drawn alone economic lines more than race.They may call it race but there are more poor whites than blacks. After all when a black person becomes successful they are looked down on by the race hustlers, however I also believe there are going to be those than feel its get ever time.
  20. I just got one today from Gunnys in Maryville. They let me shoot one and that's all it took. Said they had just got it in and could keep them. Can't to this weekend to go shoot it.
  21. Went to bed after OH. was called for Obama. The sun came up this morning right on time.
  22. I am not sure they would go around collecting guns. I believe they would make it almost impossible to buy a weapon with the exception of bolt or lever action hunting rifles. He will also tax the hell out of ammo and reloading supplies.


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