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Everything posted by LI0NSFAN

  1. 3 weeks, wow, my step brother is only getting a week. he was told e could use hi vacation pay for that week if he wants to. he is looking at it as a forced vacation. He has never taken one in the last 5 years. Hey I get to see my step brother and his new baby.
  2. wait until its 100th birthday and unwrap it then.
  3. I don't think letting them in is what Obama is worried about. Got to keep the subjects in or he would just be the largest land owner in the world.
  4. Maybe they are finally going to address illegal border crossing. 2000 miles of border, 2700 vehicles. That puts 1 every 1/2 mile and 700 for backup about every 2 miles.   I could not find anyother sources either.
  5. I had to find the article before I wrote that he was "accused" of being a Republican.  http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2009/10/tom_barrow_calls_detroit_mayor.html
  6. Prime example of the Council preventing money from the "county" is COBO convention center. It holds the North American Auto Show. THe show brings in $500mil to the area everyyear. COBO needs a serious overhaul, if they do not do it the Auto show orginizers said they will find a new location. There was a proposal that had COBO getting an overhaul and expansion at the hands of the taxpayers in the surrounding counties. The city would also not have to spend anymore city funds on that building, saving money in the cities budget. It was shot down and blocked by the Council because they did not want to give up power over the decisions that affect COBO.   Article is a little older but best explains the situation. http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2009/04/judge_sides_with_detroit_city.html
  7. He Loves Detroit first and Foremost. The only reason this takeover did not happen earlier is because of him. He has put up his own money on projects that the City council would not approve. If I remember correctly he takes no salary, and tried to get the city council to sell him the Mayoral mansion so the city would no longer be responsible for the upkeep and staff. The City Council refused to sell it to him. He is a Liberal but he seems to actually care about the City First and Foremost
  8. The mayor is not the issue. The City Council is the problem. The mayor has actually been fighting the city Council the whole time and is OK with the Emergancy Manager http://news.yahoo.com/mayor-detroit-emergency-manager-204828255.html   He was also all for the state taking over Belle Isle http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2013/02/detroit_mayor_dave_bing_says_h_1.html
  9. Ok, this may ruffle some feathers but I mean no harm at all.   I lived in Detroit for a while in the recent years, meaning this is not an opinion on 20yr ago Detroit. The residents of Detroit don't really care if you are a Democrat or Republican. They care weather you are City or County. County being a White and City being Not White. Everytime you hear a resident or city council member talk about the troubles in Detroit it is ALWAYS because the meddling County is getting in the way. They are by no means talking about the area of the county, they are talking about the Color of the county. The state has tried to bail them out several times before but never forced the issue because the City Council ALWAYS stirred things up and turned it into a race issue.   Here is the issue in Detroit that will never allow Detroit to regrow into a major city in this country, Race.  There are not enough people moving into the city limits because the City Residents do everything they can to prevent the "County" to move in.  I remember a investment group trying to come in and buy up a City block to put in a huge townhome community, it was suppose to bring in over 3mill a year just in property tax. It was shot down by the City Council because there was too much uproar from the residents in the city limits. The other major thing that prevents people from moving into the city limits, is until 4 years ago there was NO place to buy groceries, the city council fought Meijer from coming into the city for over 15 years.   I have lived in several Major citys and have nver seen the resistance for help that Detroit City Council puts up.       This all being said I would move back to the Detroit area in a heartbeat. If you exclude the small % of area that is just destroyed, the Detroit area is a great place to live.
  10. Exactly. I have a max and NEVER go higher.
  11. I have been hitting up Ebay lately because I have not been able to sleep and I thought Middle of the night  might be a could time for deals. It was I made some bids over the weekend and won 5 auctions and they all came in today 5 packages in the mail today. I even found some suprises in the packages.   1st package was 2 M1A 10 round magazines I got for $22.50 shipped. Yep that is 11.25 each for factory mags. I was not expecting factory mags. And they were filled with reloadable 308 brass. Score   2nd Package was suppose to be 1 Saf T Lok Mag for Glock 17 for $15 shipped.   I wanted to see how they worked and figured I could always use it just at the range. When I opened it up I was suprised to see there was 2. I emailed the guy and said there was an error in the listing and it was suppose to be for 2 the whole time. Great guy and said it was his mistake so it is his loss.   3rd package was a 8 round mag for my 3953 shipped for $14.75 nothing special just happy it was NIB for that price.   4th package was a 1911 mag for $9.75 shipped. They threw in eye protection and ear plugs.   5th package was a new Battery for my Droid shipped for $7.00. It came with a charger as well.   It was a good day!
  12. we had a marksman test for Gym class using 22s.
  13. love Both of my Panasonics, 32 in the shop and 55 in the living room. Both have the best picture i have seen.
  14. I contacted all but 1 of those and they don't ship. Thanks for the filtered search. I did just sent that one I missed an email. Fingers crossed.
  15. I have seen the 2022 for $400 new and will probably have to breakdown and get one of those. I prefer the heavier metal frames.
  16. I think they were seen as an entry level Sig which was bad before all this crap started and now an entry level Sig is seen as a good thing. After all I have seen several Hi-points selling for 200+. I would add 150-200 and get an "entry level" Sig all day.
  17. I am horrible at searching  on Guns America, always have been. I just ran a search and only came up with one and after gun+shipping+3% for CC and transfer fee it would be over $600. At that point it is just not worth it. But atleast I found one for sale.
  18. I am going to get me a big snow plow and modify the dump area for seating and storage. It seems like all the end of days movies have snow plows in them.
  19. Anyone seen ANY p6's. I went to the show this morning and none where to be found. Not many Sigs to be found at all.
  20. I have never had to wait more than 2-3 minutes for it to come back but this was insane. 
  21. I went into a LGS yesterday to look around a little bit. I was not planning on getting anything. I found a good deal on a gen 3 Glock 17. I already have one but for some reason I just needed that one. So I completed the paper work, and was ready to be there for a while. They had me stand there until they pushed enter on the computer. After they pushed enter I told them I will just look around until it came back. I barely got it out of my mouth and the said "wow, that was fast". It came back almost as fast as they pushed enter. I get the comment of how fast my TICS come back every time I buy something, but. That was the fastest I have ever had it come back. From the start of the paperwork until I was walking out was under 10 minutes. It was a great day.
  22.     I have had a couple of those moments, it does feel good to know that my efforts are paying off.


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