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Everything posted by LI0NSFAN

  1. Wow, 223 on the shelf past 4, what is this world coming to. Where are all the resellers and the group of friends they bring from store to store.
  2. Watching with my 2 little ones. They are cheering for there uncle Joe, Go Niners!
  3. Federal 1040 is free on turbo tax. It is really easy to use.
  4. I am sure a larger customer threatened to take their money elsewhere.
  5. I just got an emsil from the owner cancelling our range time. He got some heat from his wife about it. He said he wants to reschedule. I guess I found out who really put up the sign. My wife has our third kid in April and I have invited him and his wife to come out to a family members house for a BBQ, I will have things availible for him to shoot there and my wife can work on his wife. I will be working until then on him. I wish we had aplace like Range USA here. I actually think given some time he will come around. I have started a non-gun friendship with him as well.


    I now have a use for that extra thrower. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oly2S2NhF6c
  7. My friends back in Detroit use Toolbox, Craftsman, or canoe. We all worked in radio together and had to find ways to insult on air.
  8. I can't believe Rogero got elected in the first place (not like the other guy was much better). I think it was a lack of educated voters being able to get off work to vote. The Repulican party needs to take a page from the Dems to get more voters out in these lower level elections. I bet if a full court press was put on by the Republican Party we could make a difference in the local level.
  9. Did anyone else catch that it said they are trying make nearly all gun sales have back ground checks. That would exclude family transactions. Hey isn't your 5th cousin married to my 8th cousin?
  10. Not ammo but, the price for glock 40 cal mags have been ending around $30 shipped. I would pick some up but I don't have a 40 cal glock. $30 is a good deal considering most glock mags I have seen lately are going for $50
  11. I would guess he exceeded the "acceptable" personal transactions.
  12. [quote name="STAHDKnoxville" post="895265" timestamp="1359082141"]I treat them as all on the fence. If they are over the fence and you can move them back just a little maybe someday they will be back on the fence. I found the best way to get them at least back on the fence is by taking them shooting. If they won't go shooting atleast offer to buy them lunch and see if they will at least go to the LGS to hold a gun. I have changed many of minds just by letting them hold a gun in a safe environment. I have also found if you let them do most of the talking and don't correct them until they are done with the rant they are more receptive to your corrections.[/quote] if you are in Memphis offer to buy them lunch and then take them to Range USA, the food is pretty good there.
  13. [quote name="DWARREN123" post="895242" timestamp="1359081412"]Those on the fence we can talk to and perhaps gets them to rethink their position on firearms. Those over the cliff are a lost cause to us.[/quote] I treat them as all on the fence. If they are over the fence and you can move them back just a little maybe someday they will be back on the fence. I found the best way to get them at least back on the fence is by taking them shooting. If they won't go shooting atleast offer to buy them lunch and see if they will at least go to the LGS to hold a gun. I have changed many of minds just by letting them hold a gun in a safe environment. I have also found if you let them do most of the talking and don't correct them until they are done with the rant they are more receptive to your corrections.
  14. they might if it was the only gun not banned. Heck they are buying AR's for 5000+ on GB
  15. stupid Ipad auto correct must have turned off. I hate using the I pad.
  16. I looked just like that. That is exactly how I plan on doing mine.
  17. I will let everyone know after he takes the sign down, I trust most here are great guys but I don't want to take a chance at him getting put off by a flood of emails or publicity. He did state that until these last couple of weeks all he has ever gotten about the gunbuster signs were negative and some were on the threatening side.    I figured I had a way better chance of changing the mind of a mom and pop place then taking down a corporate policy. Getting the mom and pop places to change could lead to some small chains changing as well. I know that the response I usually get when I send an email or letter is "most businesses around me are posted" so if we can get more off the doors they can't give that excuse anymore. Then they might rethink that policy if most of the businesses are not posted.
  18. I don't own a single AR anymore but I have six on the list. [quote name="peejman" post="894831" timestamp="1359053370"]Interesting that the M1A isn't on the list.[/quote] That surprised me as well.
  19. [quote name="xRUSTYx" post="894842" timestamp="1359054020"]That is AWESOME!   If you end up getting a copy of the card, please share!  It would be something great for us all the be able to carry around!   Thanks for sharing![/quote] it looked like the card was printed at home with the business card kit you can get. It did not look like a professional job. I might make some up. I will pick up the paper the next time I am at the store.
  20. The winner of cheapest weapon on the list is..... Drumroll............high point carbine! What the heck is that doing on there?
  21. I had a FTF with a business owner that has a gun buster sign on the door. First it started with him having to meet me outside his restaurant and me buying him lunch at another restaurant within walking distance of his. He seemed a little thrown off that I would even offer that. During our conversation he pulled out a business card that was handed to one of his door guys. The card was an IOU for $20.00 redeemable when this person is legally able to carry in his resturant. It said " I was intending on spending money at your business but you do not allow legal gun carry. This is an IOU for $20 redeemable as soon as the gun buster sign comes down and I can legally carry in your business." It also left contact info for that person. I have never seen this before and apparently it got his attention. I think i might make up some of these cards. He said he contacted me because of an email I sent him letting him know that I would answer any questions he has about why I will not spend any money at his restaurant. Also during that discussion I found out that he has never even held a firearm, and knew a buisness owner that was killed by a robber with a gun. It was a long lunch that seemed very productive. He is meeting me at the range next Friday. He said he is rethinking the gun buster, especially after I asked him to point out where my gun was and he could not. I told him that most people are not OC'ing, they want it to go unnoticed. I will update after we meetup next week.
  22. The density of a tempurpedic mattress is 5.3lbs I don't know what it takes to stop a bullet but I think it might slow it down to non lethal levels. I bet you would be safe under the bed and box spring. They have several thicknesses, the thick one is about 18 inches.
  23. Just saw a mini 14 5 round mag SELL for 145.00 on eBay. I wish I had a few extra to sell off.
  24. [quote name="BryanP" post="893570" timestamp="1358949316"]The real question is do you think the market will subside or not?  I paid $300 for my SAR-1 several years ago.  From what I'm seeing, if I find a sucker I could probably get triple that with no problem whatsoever, possibly more. But then I'm stuck wondering if I'll be able to replace it when/if the market finally does rebound.[/quote] Replacement is exactly why I won't sell anything right now. We will never see early 2012 prices again, I don't want to replace guns for more than what I bought them for just a year earlier.


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