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Everything posted by LI0NSFAN

  1. I get the same comments at least once a week. I hate that people think Dads just babysit, I do way more than babysit, as you know it's a busy day staying home with kids.
  2. That is the price at the Wally's in the Atlanta area as well.
  3. Go out wen most people are at work and hit some places like the mall, or grocery store. I get a passing comment about once a month. Maybe I am a bad parent.  I just don't get how my wife can do the exact same things I do and no one has ever said anything to her.
  4. Wow they got that up in a hurry. 9:29 am today. Glad no one was seriously hurt.
  5. +1   Our daughter mastered her ABC's at about 18mo as well thanks to a couple different games. The only issue I have found is that she was able to get in and out of apps with ease. That meant if it was not the game she wanted to play she got out and found the one she wanted. @ 2yo she could use the Ipad better than me. She walks around taking pics and has posted several to facebook. So now I have to change settings before she gets it, so she cant do certain things.   We got the case for the Ipad that pretty much protects it from drops.   http://www.amazon.com/M-Edge-Cases-Supershell-Case-iPad-PD3-SH1-N-GNW/dp/B007YSA8YE/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1361202266&sr=8-4&keywords=ipad+case+for+kids
  6. I completely agree. I would rather have them learning on the Ipad than watching tv all day. We do try to keep an even balance so as soon as it gets warm outside again we will start up our Tech free days. We do not play with phones, ipads or watch TV or get on the computers on 3 days of the week.We can listen to the radio but thats pretty much it. The days change every week but 3 days are a tech blackout.
  7. I love using technology to help me teach my kids. We use flash cards, and chalk boards at home but when out the Ipad come in handy.
  8. Heroes are people like the small town cop from BFE TN that barely makes enough money to feed his family and still goes to work on the weekends for free just to make sure that people have someone to call during an emergency. Or the multitudes of EMS workers that have to hold down 2-3 jobs because they only get paid $10/hour. These people are real heroes.
  9. I was making a quick run to the store today. I am a stay at home dad, so it means I had my 2 little ones with me. My daughter (2yo) was using an IPad to trace her ABC's. My son (1yo) was playing a matching game on my phone. They both were being very good and causing no problems at all. A lady, probably in her 40's, felt the need to give me a parenting lesson right there in the produce section. She let me know that sticking them in front of an electronic device was no better than not parenting at all. She continued to tell me that my style of parenting is what is wrong with this world. She also stated that if this is how I parent that my kid would be better off in a single parent home. That was when I lost it and yelled, that is the first time I lost my cool in front of my kids. I never swore at her and never called her names, i just told her that my kids are happy, healthy, and well taken care of and that she needed to mind her own buisness. I should have stopped there, but I did not. I continued to tell her that my kids have more manners than she does an I would not be surprised if they were smarter than her. As she stood there in shock, I told my kids to say good bye and started to push the cart away. Both my kids said good bye and waved. What happened next surprised me, 5-6 moms in the area started clapping, apparently they even heard what she said to me. I get comments about my parenting all the time from strangers all the time. I don't understand why people feel the need to give dads advice. I have seen moms blow cigarette smoke in a kids face without a peep from anyone, but tell me that I need to make sure that my kids are wearing hats even though it is 60+ degrees out. All the advice is followed by them telling my kids that it is ok that daddy didn't know.
  10. I was at a store when Erik Ainge came in to do some shopping. It was like the greatest person on earth walked in. Customers stopped and stared, asked for autographs, told him they were his hero. That was the point I got upset, hero, really. This was a guy who was suspended for substance abuse as a rookie, on injured reserve, put on the PUP list, admitted to a drug rehab facility. He never stepped on the field as a pro, not even sure if he ever even dressed for a game. I just don't understand why he is held in such a class as hero. To me a hero is people who protect and save lives. I had a similar life as Erik and I would NEVER allow someone to tell me I was their hero, I would be polite and suggest the go let a fireman or police officer know how much they appreciate the service they provide. I did play college football, I did not go to the NFL. After tearing off my Achilles, I was able to play 2 years of arena football, and had a radio show after leaving football. I had some fans, but they were not as extreme as his. Sorry if this is just a personal rant that makes no sense, most people I asked about Erik saw him as one of the greatest QB's to play the game. I just don't understand. Edit: should have prefaced this with, I am in a bad mood today. I apologize if I go off on rants today. I need to go to the range, it has been a while.
  11. was that WW in the gang infested West Knoxville or Turkey Creek? Lol
  12. I have always been told steel won't hurt at all. After all that is what most of them ate during service.
  13. I will set out my Veterans Day set up on that day. Large US flag, large Navy flag and 50 mini US flags.
  14. That is the reason for the law. My wife's company won't allow her to carry at work, and because the person that owns the building has posted the parking lot, she can not carry at all. This bill would allow her to leave it in her car. From my understanding this bill makes it so no parking lot can be posted anymore. We talked to the strip mall manager and they said if it passes they have to take down the signs. I think it also means you can leave your gun in your car while picking your kids up from school but I am not sure of that.
  15. I saw that thread and decided to hide behind a rock on that one. I don't normally let it known that I have a phobia, but I figured this thread was a safe place to do it. The other got you lit up so much I figured I would stay out of that one.
  16. I had a serious case of Haptephobia when I was in my teens. Until I was 20 I hyperventilated every time I was hugged. It made dating interesting. I still am not a huge fan of touching anyone but my wife and kids.
  17. Knee them in the groin and just say "sorry, muscle spasm".  All joking aside, I dealt with this a lot when I worked at UT. I started telling people I was Claustrophobic and asked if they could just back up a step, it worked 99% of the time with no issue at all. Both walked away happy and not offended. 
  18. Having lived there for a while it is nice to see that residents are getting fed up with the thugs that have run the streets (and government, but that is a different story) and are fighting back.  I both cases a CCW holder shot 2 thugs and no one else was hurt. I think that more people should see stories like this to show that CCW holders know what they are doing.  In another story I read about the coach who was 70 hit 7 out of 8 shot on the bad guys and the last shot hit the ground at the feet of the 2 guys. That is pretty good for a 70yr old at night under stress trying to protect 2 young ladies, I say he gets Coach of the Year.   http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/02/08/its-been-a-bad-week-for-robbers-in-detroit-concealed-carry-holders-fight-back-and-open-fire/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=story&utm_campaign=Share%20Buttons
  19. Looks like the limit is working, shelves are not completely bare. Buddy picked up a 250 box of 9mm in GA today, he got me one too.
  20. Old company I worked for use to use DL for age verification. All that popped up on our system was age and name. I caught a ton of fake ID's that way. It was amazing how good fakes have gotten.
  21. Williams fire sights are great. I have them on most of my woods guns.
  22. I am getting the same emails. I can't even remember giving that email to a website. It is an email I only use for work and bills.
  23. My favorite was an Irish Wolfhound we had as a kid. He was given to us by a breeder because he was the runt of the litter and they could not sell him. My step dad thought it was funny naming him tiny, well until he he hit 6ft. He was the most gentle dog I ever owned. He ended up bigger and lived longer than his siblings, I guess runts are not so bad. I will see if I can get a pic and scan it in, he passed away before digital cameras.


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