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Students robbed INSIDE classroom in Memphis

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Another Gun-free zone failure. Defenseless disarmed victims. I found this on a local Memphis blog I read- I do not have the link to the original article. Seems like a jframe might be a better gift for a college student than would an Ipod. --ZenDog

Students robbed INSIDE classroom

Students in a classroom at Lemoyne-Owen College were robbed by a gunman this morning, and the school was put on lockdown. No shots were fired and no one was seriously injured.

A gunman entered an English class in Steele Hall shortly after 11 a.m. and demanded the purses and wallets of the 18 students and one teacher. Another teacher entered the classroom during the robbery. The gunman fled and police were called.

The suspect was described as a black male about 25-30 years old, 5'8" to 5'10" and wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt, faded blue jeans, white sneakers and possibly a wig.

It was not known if the suspect is a student at the college.

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Another Gun-free zone failure. Defenseless disarmed victims. I found this on a local Memphis blog I read- I do not have the link to the original article. Seems like a jframe might be a better gift for a college student than would an Ipod. --ZenDog

This begs the question of would said armed college student be considered a hero or a hero with a new criminal record, if they felt the need to eliminate the threat instead of losing a wallet and such...?

As a college student myself the thought has gone through my mind but I've always considered a college campus to be one of those restricted areas that I would never carry in.

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Guest bkelm18
This begs the question of would said armed college student be considered a hero or a hero with a new criminal record, if they felt the need to eliminate the threat instead of losing a wallet and such...?

As a college student myself the thought has gone through my mind but I've always considered a college campus to be one of those restricted areas that I would never carry in.

Well how would you know if the guy only wanted your wallet or wanted another Virginia Tech?

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This begs the question of would said armed college student be considered a hero or a hero with a new criminal record, if they felt the need to eliminate the threat instead of losing a wallet and such...?

As a college student myself the thought has gone through my mind but I've always considered a college campus to be one of those restricted areas that I would never carry in.

The question is: Do you feel like your life is in danger when a gun is pointed at you?

The law actually defends you if you fire your firearm in a justified self defense situation where said firearm is prohibited. Sadly, i cant find the darn thing for the life of me because i'm on a Treo right now. Maybe fallguy can post the link to said law. Eh. eh?

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The question is: Do you feel like your life is in danger when a gun is pointed at you?

The law actually defends you if you fire your firearm in a justified self defense situation where said firearm is prohibited. Sadly, i cant find the darn thing for the life of me because i'm on a Treo right now. Maybe fallguy can post the link to said law. Eh. eh?

You're talking about 39-17-1322. After a week long thread and input from several different reputable sources I'd say that defense is up in the air.

At this point it really falls on YOU to decide whether or not the consequence is worth it to you. If you're a judged by 12, than carried by six kinda guy then your answer is clear.

If you are a law abider who carries a gun and chooses to be a bit more cautious then it may not be as clear cut.

Edited by Punisher84
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Guest truthsayer
The question is: Do you feel like your life is in danger when a gun is pointed at you?

The law actually defends you if you fire your firearm in a justified self defense situation where said firearm is prohibited. Sadly, i cant find the darn thing for the life of me because i'm on a Treo right now. Maybe fallguy can post the link to said law. Eh. eh?

There was a pretty big thread about just that last week. I'm sure Fallguy was involved.

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Well how would you know if the guy only wanted your wallet or wanted another Virginia Tech?

That's what I was getting at. Unfortunately, we all know from other threads that there is only one way to find out if you would get in trouble and how much sh** you might be in...

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The question is: Do you feel like your life is in danger when a gun is pointed at you?

The law actually defends you if you fire your firearm in a justified self defense situation where said firearm is prohibited. Sadly, i cant find the darn thing for the life of me because i'm on a Treo right now. Maybe fallguy can post the link to said law. Eh. eh?

The answer to this question IMO would be... I'd like to think that most people would feel that their life is in danger with a BG with a gun in the confines of a classroom, especially when pointed at you.

But still, this brings up the question of why you, the good guy, had a gun in the classroom to begin with. I'm willing to bet that everyone in the classroom, except for the BG, would be extremely greatful that you were armed but I wonder what the radicals who were outside of the classroom and out of harms way would think...

Ultimately, I think there is no single correct answer to my question (if you don't see eye-to-eye with the current law) and that it all comes down to a personal decision.

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My wife has her HCP and carries regularly if she is jogging or walking.

She is a professor at U of M and we talk about this stuff a lot- she chooses not to carry when she is on campus. It is a felony offense and there is a good chance if she got caught and convicted that she would lose her tenured position which would be a major problem.

But then if she doesn't carry, there is a chance that she or others could be killed especially in a Virginia Tech situation. For me that is a worse problem to have. I would rather have a live wife with no job than have a dead wife with tenure.

Moral, ethical, and financial dilemmas that we all have to come to terms with.

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The question is: Do you feel like your life is in danger when a gun is pointed at you?

The law actually defends you if you fire your firearm in a justified self defense situation where said firearm is prohibited. Sadly, i cant find the darn thing for the life of me because i'm on a Treo right now. Maybe fallguy can post the link to said law. Eh. eh?

I am a student and i gave thought about this. Personally i do not agree with the gun free zone at school because what if something like another Virginia Tech were to happen. But i would NOT carry going to school because of the penalties involved. Now to answer the question as to would I feel like my life is in danger when a gun is pointed at me in a hostile situation? The answer to that would be i would unload a clip before the bad guy could say drop it.......:P

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This begs the question of would said armed college student be considered a hero or a hero with a new criminal record, if they felt the need to eliminate the threat instead of losing a wallet and such...?

As a college student myself the thought has gone through my mind but I've always considered a college campus to be one of those restricted areas that I would never carry in.

I believe that everyone should be allowed to carry a weapon with no gun free public zones (within reason) and no permit required. However… our elected legislators do not agree with me. :cool:

With that said… carrying into a school is a crime. The chances are (in my opinion) astronomically higher that you would get caught carrying with no threat present; than while defending yourself.

How would you be looked upon? You would be looked upon as exactly the kind of nut case the general public is worried about. If the TV news got hold of the story they could put their spin on it and you could be looked at as a potential school shooter. Which would greatly impact the outcome of your charges and your sentence.

If you used it to stop an armed robbery or school shooting? Well… if you can engage a gunman that is threatening someone and kill him with no innocent bystanders getting shot; of course you would be a hero. I doubt any charges would be filed.

However, if you engage an armed robber that is not an active shooter and the situation does not go your way; I doubt the outcome will be good for you. You may die and cause others to die; in which case it won’t matter to you. Or you may cause an innocent bystander to get shot. In that case a bunch of people that have days or weeks to look at your case will decide what you did wrong and what should happen to you. That could possibly be at a criminal trial but at the very least there will be a civil proceeding.

Carrying a firearm is a lot of responsibility. Carrying a firearm and making a conscious decision to break the law could have life changing or life saving consequences.

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What kind of courts do you go to?? :cool::P

Don't go to court normally. Been to typing school less. :tough:

I believe that everyone should be allowed to carry a weapon with no gun free public zones (within reason) and no permit required. However… our elected legislators do not agree with me. :D

With that said… carrying into a school is a crime. The chances are (in my opinion) astronomically higher that you would get caught carrying with no threat present; than while defending yourself.

How would you be looked upon? You would be looked upon as exactly the kind of nut case the general public is worried about. If the TV news got hold of the story they could put their spin on it and you could be looked at as a potential school shooter. Which would greatly impact the outcome of your charges and your sentence.

If you used it to stop an armed robbery or school shooting? Well… if you can engage a gunman that is threatening someone and kill him with no innocent bystanders getting shot; of course you would be a hero. I doubt any charges would be filed.

However, if you engage an armed robber that is not an active shooter and the situation does not go your way; I doubt the outcome will be good for you. You may die and cause others to die; in which case it won’t matter to you. Or you may cause an innocent bystander to get shot. In that case a bunch of people that have days or weeks to look at your case will decide what you did wrong and what should happen to you. That could possibly be at a criminal trial but at the very least there will be a civil proceeding.

Carrying a firearm is a lot of responsibility. Carrying a firearm and making a conscious decision to break the law could have life changing or life saving consequences.

Well put Dave!

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Le Moyne is in a pretty bad part of Memphis. It doesn't surprise me that someone would be bold enough to walk on the campus and hold up a class room. Who knows...it may have been a former student or cousin of the Memphis city mayor!

I personally wouldn't even drive in that area of town day or night it is that bad....even with a loaded shotgun and two pistols.!

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Guest rockbottom12

I am trying to get something organized here at lee where i go to school i think the month where the VT shooting happend we are going to do a protest or two. one idea i have come across was to do an empty holster protest, and the one i though of was to have 32 pics of students from here and bring the idea of an attack on our campus home, at the bottom of the display have some small carry statistics and statistics about the the VT shooting.

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