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I wanted to give a shout out to our very own Tiffany, Aqil and Randy for achieving Master Firearms Instructor from Range Master.聽

This final Development and Certification Course is a 3 day seminar with 24 hours of instruction, coaching, gun handling and adult teaching methodologies.

For the instructors, it is the culmination of 64 total hours of intensive training.

For a little info on Tom Givens and Range Master聽https://rangemaster.com/

My hat is off to all professional instructors who seek out continuing education and training; they are looking to get better to be better for their students.

These are type of teachers I would recommend folks seek out.

Of course I will shamelessly plug聽@Tiffany Johnson@aqil@Cruel Hand Luke聽but I am biased as I serve as Randy's valet

Congratulations Tiffany, Aqil and Randy for conquering this milestone in your training careers!

Edited by A.J. Holst
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey man! Just seeing this. I can't thank you enough for the shout!

I had a great time and although I'm biased, the course was excellent. I can't recommend it enough.聽

I'm proud of Randy and Tiff too. It's always a great time when I can be in class with the two of them.

Thanks again man and I hope to be on the firing line with you again soon.聽

Take care,


Edited by aqil
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Thanks for the shout out AJ.

There's more to teaching than just getting an NRA certificate and advertising some classes. Those who are really SERIOUS about being an excellent instructor聽never stop learning聽and pursuing training on their own. And it seems that very often when聽I am pursuing training opportunities on my own that more times than not Tiffany and Aqil happen to be in the same classes or at the same events. Congrats to Aqil and Tiff and if you get a chance to train with them I strongly suggest you do it.聽

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