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As I stated in the other thread, I've already ripped off an email to Lollar - I can't believe he voted to non-concur!



That sorry POS. I talked to him at the ****ing NRA meeting a few months ago. He told me to my face that he was going to back any carry bill that came up, because he felt permit holders should be able to carry how they chose.

What a kick in the nuts. Naifeh must have been confused on how to vote.

What about Mumpower? That's BS too.

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Guest SomeGuy
:death::clap:Can you believe Naifeh voted pro-gun?

I had seen that. The more I look at it, the more I see that this was a behind the scenes job on us. Naifeh is no fool, and he hates us. His voting pro-gun was no accident, but either a sign he knew exactly how the votes would break, and was taunting us.

Perhaps there is another reason, but I cannot see this not involving the hand of our old enemy, Naifeh.

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My Representative Jim Cobb voted (present and not voting) I just sent him an email asking why he voted this way when he told me last week he was all for the changes the Senate made. He knows Rhea county is 90% Pro Gun. He will be at the monthly county meeting next week so I'm going to ask him on the record why he voted this way.

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Here's Lollar's reply to my email:

The best way to insure what we want with the votes we have is to non concur. This is not dead and will come back closer to what both of us want. Sorry for the misunderstanding of what was done. It is still alive for both of us. Ron

He's always done the right thing re: 2A rights, so I'm going to assume he knows something I don't (as in, Bredesen would have vetoed the Senate version).

Keeping an eye on him, though...

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Guest VolMickey
:):clap:Can you believe Naifeh voted pro-gun?

Must have been for a political reason. The guy don't have much by way of principles, either way.

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Guest SomeGuy
My Representative Jim Cobb voted (present and not voting) I just sent him an email asking why he voted this way when he told me last week he was all for the changes the Senate made. He knows Rhea county is 90% Pro Gun. He will be at the monthly county meeting next week so I'm going to ask him on the record why he voted this way.

Just so you know, in the past, he has voted AGAINST this bill. Not just PNV, but against. Jim Cobb is a sorry POS in my book.

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