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Got Pedals?

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I bought the bike with a toasted engine. Another one is being shipped as I type. It should be ready for Memorial Day weekend.

The bike isn't anything special, but I couldn't pass up the deal I got, so it will have to do for now.

That's actually a customized Peterbilt in the background. My Uncle built it from the ground up. I'm not a fan of the color scheme, but that truck is bad to the bone.

625+ HP (825+ HP with the Pittsburgh Power Cat Box tuned up to level 7), 325" wheelbase, 5x4 (2 gear shifters) transmission......The list goes on and on. There is very little that's stock on the truck. It was probably the fenders that made you think Kenworth, but those aren't stock either.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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You going to Thunder on the Rock?

There's a good chance. My father and a friend of his are bringing their bikes from Oklahoma, and they wanted to check it out.

As long as everything goes well with the new engine, it should easily be finished before Memorial Day weekend.

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Nice looking bike, but I'm not really a two wheel kind of guy.

Can we get a full picture of the Pete? The fenders had me think Kenworth W-9, would love to see the whole truck.

I don't have any full pictures of the Pete. Those pictures were taken in Oklahoma. That's where the bike is right now.

I know the Pete was in a Show Truck calendar, but I can't seem to find any pictures online. I'll see if my father has some.

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Guest ScottD

Something isnt right with that bike... It's like something is missing...

Edited by ScottD
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I got the motor today. Well, it was actually my father who got the motor today.

As I stated in another thread, I purchased an '03 1500 motor, and the seller claimed it had only 1218 miles on it. Of course, I was a little more than skeptical, but when ahead with the purchase.

I was pleasantly surprised and relieved upon hearing my fathers initial inspection report. Based on the crappy cell phone pictures sent by my father, and the description he gave me, the guy wasn't lying.

With the exception of a few scratches on the top of the rocker case covers (I think that's what they are called), everything looks about brand new. All the areas where gaskets will go, spark plugs, all the hoses, everything looks new. Not a spot of rust or discoloration anywhere.

My father pushed a clean, white rag into the exhaust ports, and there was hardly any dirt whatsoever. Again, everything appeared to be nearly new.

I was also pleasantly surprised to have gotten the starter, chrome side covers, stator, and a few other things. I didn't expect those to come with the motor.

Your typical '03 VN1500



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