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Governor Phil Bredesen Vetoes HB0962 (Restaurant Carry Bill)

Guest ColdEspresso

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Well, I hope it moves between the two chambers faster than the damn conference committee report did. I'm beginning to feel it's all been orchestrated and the strategy now is delay delay delay, giving them political cover if then can adjourn before the bill passes. Again, remember, we're not the only ones with an agenda emailing and calling them.

But what political cover do the legislators need? They have already voted and made their position known.

I see no reason (as long as the rules allow it) for it be brought up on the house floor the first day they are scheduled and then sent to the senate as soon as possible.

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Guest .45packer

The channel 4 survey results at 5:20 are 69% disagreeing with the veto and 31% agreeing. I hope all that do choose to write their State Reps do so in a respectful manner. Calling them a bunch of dumb ***** won't win many votes towards reversing this lame veto. As always the press has twisted the facts and made everything sound like violence is waiting on every bar stool or restaurant booth, but that's their response to everything that they don't understand. They did the same thing with the swine flu, turned a mild case into a pandemic!

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Guest JavaGuy

Once an override is done, I'm sure the Governor will get a message notifying him of the fact. However, he has no standing on the bill at that point. As for the effective date.. I really don't know whether the SOS has to assign a chapter number before it becomes law or not.

As for when the legislature goes home... their only mandate is to pass a state budget each and every year. Once they've passed a budget, they can boogie if they choose to do so. And no, the budget has not come up yet. The financial stuff is still a work in progress for this year.

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here is what I just sent to my reresentative

Dear Representative Brooks,

I am saddened and dismayed by Governor Bredesen and his veto of this bill.

As my elected representative please step up to the plate for myself and other lawful constituents in our district and vote for an over ride of this veto.

I truely find it unbelievable that a man as educated at Bredesen must be buys into the liberal BS about "Guns in Bars".

Thank you in advance for anything you can do to set this straight.

Sincerest regards,

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I think Bredesen said he had received a letter from restaurant owners/managers asking him to veto the bill.

Can we see a copy of that letter and who sent it to him.

I'd like to know which restaurants to begin boycotting.

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Guest KWW67

OMG has anyone actually seen the video from channel 4? I wanted to throw up. And who is that cocky, rambo, nazified idiot from Memphis PD? Is that the Chief? God help you guys in Memphis. What a JOKE!!

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Guest GhostHunter
Why am I not surprised to see my piece of **** Chief of police standing behind him smiling? That son of a bitch presides over the 2nd most crime ridden city in the nation and he is against people protecting themselves??

F him, F Bredesen. I'm e-mailing every rep and senator I have an address for and telling them what I think. I'm sick of politicians and their games. I AM SICK AND ****ING TIRED OF BEING TOLD WHAT MY ******* RIGHTS ARE!!!!!!!!!!!

My sentiments exactly!!

Bredesen is a lame duck worthless b*stard and Chief Syrup-ass is a spineless joke!!

As far as Bredesen, I guess you don't need to carry in a restaurant for protection when you are surrounded by armed THP. Maybe that needs to be stopped also. If we can't carry in restaurants, then they shouldn't be allowed to either. Make them leave their weapons in their cruisers and let Bredesen fend for himself.

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Guest JavaGuy
I hope all that do choose to write their State Reps do so in a respectful manner. Calling them a bunch of dumb ***** won't win many votes towards reversing this lame veto.

Exactly. You should be polite and respectful when you express your opinion. After all, consider that if you don't show courtesy and respect, you're acting exactly like every doubter of firearms carry expects... like a hothead. So be calm and cool. Check your spelling and write in complete sentences. Grin.. make your English teachers from high school proud.

As always the press has twisted the facts and made everything sound like violence is waiting on every bar stool or restaurant booth, but that's their response to everything that they don't understand. They did the same thing with the swine flu, turned a mild case into a pandemic!

Sex sells. Sensation sells. If the media doesn't lead with a sensational teaser, no one will tune in to the newscast. If a jet goes down, that's the one you hear about... you won't hear that there were thousands of successful flights that same day. The downed jet is the story.

With this, they have to sell the possibility of violence on every bar stool. They also have to pretend that, with this bill, guns will enter bars and restaurants for the very first time ever... and who knows what mayhem might ensue. In point of fact, criminals.. and perhaps some of you as well (which incidentally makes you a criminal also) have been carrying and drinking in bars all along.

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Guest benchpresspower
My sentiments exactly!!

Bredesen is a lame duck worthless b*stard and Chief Syrup-ass is a spineless joke!!

As far as Bredesen, I guess you don't need to carry in a restaurant for protection when you are surrounded by armed THP. Maybe that needs to be stopped also. If we can't carry in restaurants, then they shouldn't be allowed to either. Make them leave their weapons in their cruisers and let Bredesen fend for himself.

Technically they aren't allowed to bring their weapons in either unless they are carrying out their duties. Still, how do call three cops sitting down to eat lunch in a O'Charleys carrying out their duties? However, you really wouldn't have a leg to stand on if you were to try to do something about it. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander but it doesn't work that way especially not in politics.

Edited by benchpresspower
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Guest mustangdave

Just got the news from Buford's mass email...can't say that I'm surprised at what happened...and what, the legislature has to move on it when...in the morning...or saturday?...Monday is 6/1 correct...what are the Las Vegas odds of the legislature over riding the veto? Betcha ole Jimmy Naife shows up in the mix now....as much as I want this to go into law like 99.9% of us on this forum...I'm thinking the legislature hasn't got the spine to do it. I could be wrong

Edited by mustangdave
bad grammar
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Technically they aren't allowed to bring their weapons in either unless they are carrying out their duties. Still, how do call three cops sitting down to eat lunch in a O'Charleys carrying out their duties? However, you really wouldn't have a leg to stand on if you were to try to do something about it. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander but it doesn't work that way especially not in politics.

theres tons of loopholes in that... they could be "on call" per their general orders.

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Guest jmac
Technically they aren't allowed to bring their weapons in either unless they are carrying out their duties. Still, how do call three cops sitting down to eat lunch in a O'Charleys carrying out their duties? However, you really wouldn't have a leg to stand on if you were to try to do something about it. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander but it doesn't work that way especially not in politics.

You could call the police and tell them three men dressed in black are carrying guns in a place that serves alcohol. :up:

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Just got the news from Buford's mass email...can't say that I'm surprised at what happened...and what, the legislature has to move on it when...in the morning...or saturday?...Monday is 6/1 correct...what are the Las Vegas odds of the legislature over riding the veto? Betcha ole Jimmy Naife shows up in the mix now....as much as I want this to go into law like 99.9% of us on this forum...I'm thinking the legislature hasn't got the spine to do it. I could be wrong

there plenty of Dems that have to get reelected. If the Repubs stand together with the progun Dems were good to go...

If some hot head starts spouting off its all about"Us or them" compareing Dems and Repubs we could get messed over.

This should get overridden easily Im more worried about the parks bill right now.

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Guest 3pugguy

Well, here is what I just sent to Rep Johnson and Senator Barnes; maybe it's spitting in the wind but won't be the first nor will it be the last time I do so, I'm sure:

May 28, 2009

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to ask for both of you to support the efforts needed for overriding the veto today by Governor Bredesen of HB962. Clearly, our elected representatives responded to the desires of law abiding citizens such as myself in passing this bill and sending to the Governor. Consequently, I find it troubling that Governor Bredesen finds it the correct path of action to veto the bill and thus not listen to the people of his state.

I also find troubling that Governor Bredesen follows the same path of mis-stating the bill provisions as many news outlets have done from the outset of the bill. From his press conference: "I remember from the course there was one thing that teacher drove into us day in and day out … that message was guns and alcohol do not mix,” Bredesen said. “That was a common sense proposition back then, and it is every bit as true today.”

Not one person I know, who like me has a HCP, would argue against the idea that alcohol and guns don't mix. But the premise that a veto against this bill (which would allow law abiding citizens such as me to legally carry my gun into a restarant that serves alcohol) would stop a fool who would drink and then handle a firearm from doing so, just because of this veto, is political posturing at its absolute worst! As law abiding citizens often observe, it is the law abiding who are inconveienced by such actions, not those foolish or criminal enough to disregard existing law.

Thank you for your service to our state and also I thank you in advance for your vote in support of overriding this incorrectly used veto.


Barry _____

Clarksville, TN 37043

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I have e-mailed and called (left messages) for both my representitive and senator. We all need to be involved! These people are supposed to be our voice. Complacency will get us nowhere. I have never been a political activist but I'm becoming inspired. Let's take control of our future. Please join me!

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