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5 Shot 9mm Revolver

Guest FiddleDog

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Guest FiddleDog

I just picked up a Ruger Sp101 in a 9mm for my wife to carry. Excellent condition. Momma seems to like. I sorta wish I could have found an LCR, but I think this will do. Pics to come.

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Guest mikedwood

Nice. I'd like to see pictures of that.

I have a Taurus 905 9mm snubbie and love it. I dunno why 9mm revolvers aren't more popular.

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At any rate it is a still a very collectible, well built firearm that I would love to have. Should last you several life times. Break my heart, tell me what you paid?

I have been hunting for one reasonably priced for a while now.

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Guest FiddleDog

I'm having some difficulty figuring out how to post pics. I'll get it soon.

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Guest AeroEngrSoftDevMBA

Funny. I saw the serial number, went back to my records (which I keep for every gun I own or have ever owned), and sure enough, that baby was mine at one point.

My excitement is similar to finding a dollar bill logged in at http://www.wheresgeorge.com/.

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Guest FiddleDog

Seriously? That is awesome. Probably is. They didn't make a ton of them. Also, that's a great idea. I'm going to start cataloging mine as well. My wife and I are taking our HCP class this Saturday, so I'll let you know how it shots after the weekend. I know it points well.

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Guest AeroEngrSoftDevMBA
Seriously? That is awesome. Probably is. They didn't make a ton of them. Also, that's a great idea. I'm going to start cataloging mine as well. My wife and I are taking our HCP class this Saturday, so I'll let you know how it shots after the weekend. I know it points well.

There is absolutely no doubt. Here is one of my pix from when it was mine.


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Guest FiddleDog

My wife just went out and passed her HCP test with it. The felt recoil is negligible. She's still getting used to the Heavy DA trigger pull. But is happy with it.

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  • 4 months later...

That must be quite an experience, seeing a gun you owned before show up on a forum. Sort of like running across a '55 Chevy you owned when you were a teen ager, I would imagine. Sharp revolver.

Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TH Sen. Fred Thompson

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