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ammo for a destructive device

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Is all ammo for a destructive device restricted? As in, you have to get a tax stamp for each round?

I'm pretty sure thats how it is for something like 40mm, but what about 20mmVulcan? Is each single round a registered destructive device? Even the non-explosive ones, just a standard FMJ round?

just wondering/curious

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what about those 12 GA "EXPLODER" slugs?

If you are talking about the 12 guage round that is actually a frag grenade,they are not available to civilians.


However if you are just talking about the slug that has a really deep cavity to where you can put explosives (Providing you know how to make them) they are still sold.

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Guest beefcakeb0

i have a magazine which you can order three [3] for $16.99 or twenty five (25) for $99.99 UNLOADED of course.... but would possession require taxes?

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i know what it is i was wondering if its a DD, or legal w/out a stamp

Well if you are talking about the round I have pictured(the frag) then no its not legal period with or without a stamp nor is it even classified as a DD due to it not being available to the public (military only).As a matter of fact Im not sure if its even being massed produced at the time Im pretty sure it might still be in the testing stages of some sort I know there are 3 different variations of that type of round though at the moment.

If you are talking about the round where you pack your own explosives then yes they are legal to buy fairly cheap and do not require a stamp because they are not sold with any explosives in them.

Oh sorry missed your last post no you dont need any license for them however you dont want to get caught with them packed full of explosives lol. Im not really sure how you would go about making them legal once you added the explosives to them you might have to get some type of pyro license or something.

Edited by ~48_South~
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The round is only subject to the $200 stamp if it has over a certain amount of explosive in it.

Guys that have howitzers and recoilless rifles, and such usually make solid shot rounds or make them out of black powder such as for mortars.

The propellant usually doesn't count against the total.

The 40mm practice rounds use a orange talcum powder type marker that is encased in a blue plastic egg that it "suppossed" to break upon impact. The case for those rounds is white.

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The 40mm practice rounds use a orange talcum powder type marker that is encased in a blue plastic egg that it "suppossed" to break upon impact. The case for those rounds is white.

I found practice rounds like you are talking about and they are $250 for 25 but there are also H.E. practice rounds that cost $375 each

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