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Who is John Galt?

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How many here have read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? I see the John Galt slogan on the various gun forums, and I wonder how many have bothered to read the book it came from. It is a great book if you have the time on your hands to get through it, it took about the first 400 pages or so before it took off and grabbed me, then I could not put it down. Rand has an almost superhuman insight, the book was written in 1957 and reads like it could have been done last month.

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Guest mustangdave

Atlas Shrugged was "required" reading in high school for me...didn't think much of it back in 1973-74...but my oh my...how things have changed

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The public library has copies including audio versions. There is also an abridged audio book, only 10 hours instead of nearly 40. I've got the audio one on reserve at the Nash. library, they called today and said something was ready for pickup, hope that's it. I listened to the short one several years ago, but figure I better bone up so I can see the future. Wouldn't want to miss any thing. May need to start my own "Reardon Metals" business, blue guns would look neat!

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Guest AreSeeFiddyWon

Good book. The cliff notes are a book/short story she wrote called "Anthem."

If she had a good editor, she could have told the Atlas Shrugged story in about 600 pages and it would have been very readable.

For those not into reading, the movie is supposed to be coming out in 2011.

Atlas Shrugged (2011)

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Good book. The cliff notes are a book/short story she wrote called "Anthem."

If she had a good editor, she could have told the Atlas Shrugged story in about 600 pages and it would have been very readable.

For those not into reading, the movie is supposed to be coming out in 2011.

Atlas Shrugged (2011)

Yeah, that oughtta follow the book fairly close. :P

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Good book. The cliff notes are a book/short story she wrote called "Anthem."

If she had a good editor, she could have told the Atlas Shrugged story in about 600 pages and it would have been very readable.

For those not into reading, the movie is supposed to be coming out in 2011.

Atlas Shrugged (2011)

I would suspect any movie made by the left coast gang would not follow the book very closely.


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Guest AreSeeFiddyWon

It'll be close, except Dagny will act like Mr. Thompson and Hank Rearden will be the bad guy. Oh, and socialism will save the day.

Other than that, it'll be just like the book!

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