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OK, you know what pisses me off?


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I guess I'm fully feminized because my wife and I have season tickets. Makes for 6 guaranteed "dates" every year, which I like because I still like dating my wife after all these years.

The dirty little secret is I actually like the plays. Being well rounded is always a good thing. I can listen to everything from Mozart to Metallica and everything in between, except rap. Full Metal Jacket is one of my facorite movies, but My Fair lady is one of my favorite plays.

As far as Phantom coming to TPAC, the budget is kinda tight so we're limited to 6 B'Way shows a year, not counting The Rep. The board tries to give new plays every year instead of bringing back old ones.

BTW, if anyone wants my tickets to The Color Purple, they can have them. I have absolutely no intention of going to that one. I'm still scarred by the book. I had to write a term paper on it when I was in college. It's nothing but a lesbian propaganda book (the book is far more graphic than the movie).

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Guest HexHead

My biggest complaint about TPAC is all the musicals. I went to see one of their very rare dramas when "12 Angry Men" came to town. I like a real play, not some fru fru musical.

I don't think they could of f*cked up The Producers any more if they tried really hard to.

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I don't think they could of f*cked up The Producers any more if they tried really hard to.

I rather liked the musical version of The Producers. I have both the original and the movie musical on DVD and they're both really good, but in different ways. I think part of the success is that Mel Brooks was the one who put it all together.

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Guest HexHead
I rather liked the musical version of The Producers. I have both the original and the movie musical on DVD and they're both really good, but in different ways. I think part of the success is that Mel Brooks was the one who put it all together.


aka LSD? Stoned was a lot funnier than gay. Still the funniest 9 minutes in cinema history!

Edited by HexHead
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Different versions of the same story can both be good. The Magnificient Seven is a blatant remake of Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai. Both are great movies. At the other end of the scale, Cars is essentially an animated version of Doc Hollywood. Both are good.

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Guest HexHead
Different versions of the same story can both be good. The Magnificient Seven is a blatant remake of Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai. Both are great movies. At the other end of the scale, Cars is essentially an animated version of Doc Hollywood. Both are good.

Big difference between the Seven Samurai and the Magnificent Seven vs. the two versions of The Producers. Lorenzo St DuBois was as central a character to the movie as Bialystock was. It was a complete travesty to remove his character completely and have Hitler portrayed as a pillow biter by the director.

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Guest Muttling

Be glad most folks know what you're talking about. I'm a Brigadoon fan and you rarely see that one put on. I do enjoy Le Mis and Phantom though.

I never has understood the hub bub about Cats. That's the most boring play I've ever been to.

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I guess I'm fully feminized because my wife and I have season tickets. Makes for 6 guaranteed "dates" every year, which I like because I still like dating my wife after all these years.

The dirty little secret is I actually like the plays. Being well rounded is always a good thing. I can listen to everything from Mozart to Metallica and everything in between, except rap. Full Metal Jacket is one of my facorite movies, but My Fair lady is one of my favorite plays.

As far as Phantom coming to TPAC, the budget is kinda tight so we're limited to 6 B'Way shows a year, not counting The Rep. The board tries to give new plays every year instead of bringing back old ones.

BTW, if anyone wants my tickets to The Color Purple, they can have them. I have absolutely no intention of going to that one. I'm still scarred by the book. I had to write a term paper on it when I was in college. It's nothing but a lesbian propaganda book (the book is far more graphic than the movie).

You, sir, are THE MAN! I was force feed The Color Purple back in high school in '90 and I still feel dirty to this day. ;):poop: TPAC hasn't had anything good in a while. I envy my wife as she's been to Le Miz and Phantom and we've actually discussed how awesome it would be if Wicked actually came. My Fair Lady was my father-in-law's favorite Broadway musical movie and play. Me? I'm torn between Big Jake and It's a Wonderful Life.

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I never has understood the hub bub about Cats. That's the most boring play I've ever been to.

Me either. I have an aunt that is infatuated with that show, has like every piece of memorabilia possible.

Little Shop of Horrors was another good one. Think it's been like 2-3 years since that one has been around.

Unfortunately, I was dragged to see Jesus Christ Superstar by the above said aunt. Worst. Show. Ever. I litterally wanted to pull my eyes out with a spoon.

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Big difference between the Seven Samurai and the Magnificent Seven vs. the two versions of The Producers. Lorenzo St DuBois was as central a character to the movie as Bialystock was. It was a complete travesty to remove his character completely and have Hitler portrayed as a pillow biter by the director.

Take it up with Mel Brooks then. He made both.

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I can't really comment since I am Heterosexual, but carry on.


We can fix that. ;)

But seriously, I've never understood the idea that a masculine guy isn't supposed to enjoy live theater or musicals. It's right up there with "real men don't wear pink or eat quiche." Hey, a real man wears and eats whatever the hell he wants to.

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We can fix that. :)

But seriously, I've never understood the idea that a masculine guy isn't supposed to enjoy live theater or musicals. It's right up there with "real men don't wear pink or eat quiche." Hey, a real man wears and eats whatever the hell he wants to.

Come on, have you ever tasted quiche? That's some nasty doo doo! Give me some good ole' sushi though! Now that's the stuff!

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Hey, I love me some theatre as well. I was one of those drama kids back in school, took 2 weeks off my senior year of high school to tour with a musical production of Tom Sawyer (I was Huck Finn) and the best (and most expensive) date I ever took my wife on was to see Chicago at the Orpheum.

But sushi is better.

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Come on, have you ever tasted quiche? That's some nasty doo doo! Give me some good ole' sushi though! Now that's the stuff!

I love sushi. Spicy salmon and crunchy shrimp regularly make their way into my lunch. And yes, I have had quiche and it's quite delicious.

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And yes, I have had quiche and it's quite delicious.

I like cheese, I like eggs, I like pie, and generally like all the other things in quiche. But you mix them all together, tastes like doo doo.

When my wife and I first got married we made a deal. We would both eat anything the other one cooks except she won't eat polish sausage and kraut and I won't eat quiche.

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