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Deer cooking suggestions?

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Guest jackdm3

I always turn deer chunks into deer stew.

One can of each in a stewing pot. Bring to a boil for five minutes and set to low heat for 1.5 or so hours:

potatoes (or potatos, if you're Mr. Quayle)

green peas




2 cans of herbed diced tomatos

cut green beans

Stew packet

salt and pepper to taste

while that's mixed and bringing to a boil, brown (NOT COOK) the bite-sized chunks of the roast, let drain of the olive oil from the skillet. Put in the stew where it will finish cooking.

You can try to eat it after, but it always seems to congeal better the next night.

Whether it tastes gamey or not depends on how it was feeling that day.

Edited by jackdm3
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The roasts are good for making jerky or stew, or if you have a meat slicer we make minute steaks.

Minute steaks:

slice the roast paper thin. (you can freeze it for later)

Take peppers and onions fry them up in a

cast iron skillet with olive oil.

Add the minute steaks cook on medium heat

till meat is cooked, turning while cooking.

Add cheese till it melts, slap it in a hard roll

and enjoy.

We put the sausage in a crock pot with tomato sauce, peppers, onions, garlic, and add spices to taste. Put on low for a few hours and eat as a sandwich or with potatos and vegies.

Venison is the original fast food!

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The roast:

Put the roast in a crock pot....add onions carrots and potatoes.

Cover with water, add 1 stick of butter, 1/2 cup of Worcestershire, 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder, 1/4 teaspoon of onion powder, teaspoon of salt, teaspoon of pepper, cook until the roast starts to fall apart.

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Thanks for the help guys... Tim Calhoun sent me some excellent recipes which I followed for the roast for the most part. I combined some of the best suggestions, however.

Ended up injecting with red wine and Worcestershire, basted with butter, and put bacon on the bottom of the pan and covering the top of the roast. We injected it a few times during the cooking as well.

We made gravy with the leftovers and used it for the sausage the following morning.

Everything turned out much better than we had hoped!

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