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About BHunted

  • Birthday July 31

Profile Information

  • Location
    Gallatin, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Guns, Computers, Photography
  • Occupation


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig P365XL Spectre
  • Carry Weapon #2
    HK VPSK 9mm

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Established Contributor (3/5)



  1. Thanks..... some forums let you do pdfs. I just tried too.
  2. I cannot read that. Too small. Is there a link?
  3. Couple weeks ago, Sumner Gun got broken into for the 2nd time in a couple years.
  4. Gives me more than that. Wohoo! LMAO! Wood! LOL....
  5. Sure the stock isn't too? Its stamped SA and has the cross cannons.
  6. You get out more west at all, Sumner County?
  7. Been using this method for decades before I even heard of the term. Might be a worthy add-on. What Is a Sleep Divorce? (sleepfoundation.org)
  8. Great lil' town. Welcome aboard....
  9. When I got certified for ASP, it did not require recert. BUT, when getting cert for OC Spray, once a year, you had to get sprayed. Their logic is they want you to know what it feels like. My response was and still is, I'll never forget the barfing, burning and such. Don't know if it's a local/state requirement for OC cert. But getting hit with a baton to me is also hard to forget unless you are drugged or just numb... lol... Still got my orig night stick and asp baton.
  10. Was my 1st carry with the dept back in early 80s. Excellent gun. Sold it to a kid out of the academy when we went to semi-auto. GLWS
  11. Ballistol? Gawd, I hate the smell of that stuff. Smells like wet farts in July. Yeesh.
  12. SG is a top-notch family-owned business. Did you file a claim with UPS? If they lost it, it's really on them. They take their time though.
  13. Prayers! Getting old does suck. Had whole hip replacement, (I also go through TOA), my left should is shot and takes no effort to dislocate. Pain limits movement. Had all the usual tests and he reports bad arthritis and I need full shoulder replacement. Hip recovery was a piece of cake. I literally walked out of my wheelchair after surgery. Recovery for the shoulder won't be that easy. Then knees, ugh. Told him to put me in a medically induced coma for a few weeks and replace the whole kitten-kaboodle in one shot. I'm tired of surgery. It's like every year I get one or 2... Keep us updated if you can.
  14. Sit and rack the hell out of it. Or if it doesn't loosen up a s bit, order some Flitz and while waiting, use white toothpaste. Rack rack rack. OR SHOOT IT!
  15. If they have learned anything, he was a freeloader that took, took and took. I'd be more willing to donate again if they learn how to run the shop properly. I refuse to believe they didn't feel the pinch of lack of donations over the past years. If not, there are better entities.


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