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Why no one invades Switzerland

Guest FroggyOne2

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How does a person with a speech impediment like that get put as the narrator for anything?

I was kinda thinking the same thing.

On another note, there is a government subsidized program I could get behind! But what I don't understand is this: How is it that all those guns are taken out in public on the same day without mass murders occurring nationwide? It just doesn't make sense. I mean, the media has told me it will undoubtedly happen, so what's up? :D

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Guest Todd@CIS
How is it that all those guns are taken out in public on the same day without mass murders occurring nationwide? It just doesn't make sense. I mean, the media has told me it will undoubtedly happen, so what's up? :D

Civilized Swiss vs. Gun-nut crazy Americans.

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Funny how all the anti's and Hollywood types all think Europe is so dang superior to us. Wonder if they even have a clue about this? Or George Soros, or the UN? When are they gonna be banging on the Swiss to ban guns? This is one of those truths they just choose to ignore as it doesn't fit their factless, over emotional, beliefs.

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How does a person with a speech impediment like that get put as the narrator for anything?

Could it be that English is his second language, and that he is actually doing a pretty decent job of speaking it. Listened to Schwarzenegger lately? Very similar to the Dutch and Germans that I have worked with.

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Guest nozzle13

Call Bredesen! I volunteer to be a Major in the West Tennessee Army State Guard, now all I need is a M240B and 60000 rnds, and I can clean up the mean streets of Memphis for Godwin and Luttrell!

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