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Exercise and SHTF

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It is often fun to sit around and think of the “what if†scenarios and how we would respond should we find ourselves in a SHTF situation. We load up on preps and include food, guns, gear, etc… and think about how we could take out the zombies with our new battle rifle with the badboy tactical sling. Although, one item I see lacking in many peoples preps is physical conditioning. If you find yourself in a natural disaster that requires you to get you and your family to a safe location and no transportation is available, can you hump it 5 or 10 miles with gear? Or if required to run, can you do it non-stop for 30 or 45 minutes?

Not only could proper physical conditioning save your life in a SHTF situation, it will extend your life if nothing horrible comes to pass. Physical exercise is one of the few actions we can take that will actually make us healthier and will prolong our lives. It can also be done at home with no investment in equipment! I would hazard to say a decent fitness level would include the following:

- be able to run 3 to 5 miles non-stop

- 20 pushups with 20 pull ups back to back without stopping

- Bench press bodyweight 7 to 10 times


Physical disabilities may limit your ability to exercise but it does not mean it’s impossible. So, what do you all think? Do you exercise regularly and if not, why not?

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do you mean benchpress 7-10x your body weight or benchpress your bodyweight 7-10 times in a row? hopefully the first.

If you can bench 7-10x your weight you are a super freak! Which in my case I can. I once almost joined a gang. They wanted me for my mad nunchuks skills.:D

Edited by Smith
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It is often fun to sit around and think of the “what if” scenarios and how we would respond should we find ourselves in a SHTF situation. We load up on preps and include food, guns, gear, etc… and think about how we could take out the zombies with our new battle rifle with the badboy tactical sling. Although, one item I see lacking in many peoples preps is physical conditioning. If you find yourself in a natural disaster that requires you to get you and your family to a safe location and no transportation is available, can you hump it 5 or 10 miles with gear? Or if required to run, can you do it non-stop for 30 or 45 minutes?

Not only could proper physical conditioning save your life in a SHTF situation, it will extend your life if nothing horrible comes to pass. Physical exercise is one of the few actions we can take that will actually make us healthier and will prolong our lives. It can also be done at home with no investment in equipment! I would hazard to say a decent fitness level would include the following:

- be able to run 3 to 5 miles non-stop

- 20 pushups with 20 pull ups back to back without stopping

- Bench press bodyweight 7 to 10 times


Physical disabilities may limit your ability to exercise but it does not mean it’s impossible. So, what do you all think? Do you exercise regularly and if not, why not?

+1 to the above. I exercise 5-6 days a week. 2 days weights and cardio the other days. Cardio is usually cycling, but sometimes running or hiking.

Edited by JReedEsq
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Awesome work guys. Glad to see others are interested in this as well. I have a few friends with the same mindset as I do and we all exercise regularly. It seems to me if you are interested in surviving any type of natural disaster or governmental breakdown, being physically fit will give you a great edge over the sheeple.

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I think this is a good post. And it should be considered for more than just the SHTF situations. Lets face it everyday is a potential SHTF day. I personally think part of my SHTF preparation is physical fitness. I usually do some sort of exercise 5 to 7 times a week. I can run 26. (Hoping to do a 50miler later this year.) Is this overkill possibly. But it gives me peace of mind, and if I can't out fight you I know I can out run you.

Taken from the JFK 50 miler website.

In 1963, the initial inspiration behind the event came from then President John F. Kennedy challenging his military officers to meet the requirements that Teddy Roosevelt had set for his own military officers at the dawn of the 20th Century. That Roosevelt requirement was for all military officers to be able to cover 50 miles on foot in 20 hours to maintain their commissions.

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Guest Caveman

I work out Monday through friday. I lift weights and do no cardio, typical powerlifter. I have impressive lifts, but if the SHTF and I had to perform endurance wise I would die. I have no intention of changing my ways because I like it this way so I will make you guys a deal. When the time comes I will stay behind and hold them off as long as I can while you guys hump it to safer ground.

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I work out Monday through friday. I lift weights and do no cardio, typical powerlifter. I have impressive lifts, but if the SHTF and I had to perform endurance wise I would die. I have no intention of changing my ways because I like it this way so I will make you guys a deal. When the time comes I will stay behind and hold them off as long as I can while you guys hump it to safer ground.

I got a better idea. I will hold them off if you will hump all the gear to high ground. Then I will run and catch up to you.

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I stay fit more for my family, not just being able to protect or SHTF, but I wanna see my kids graduate and vacation with them doing cool physical stuff (snorkeling, hiking, canoeing, whatever). I have seen too many people work hard, let their health go and save money, only to spend a majority of that money on medical stuff.

I think its one of the best preventative maintenance for you and your families happiness. If they like you.........

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I stay fit more for my family, not just being able to protect or SHTF, but I wanna see my kids graduate and vacation with them doing cool physical stuff (snorkeling, hiking, canoeing, whatever). I have seen too many people work hard, let their health go and save money, only to spend a majority of that money on medical stuff.

This is my primary reason as well.

Being in shape when/if the SHTF is merely a bonus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I'm an advocate for physical fitness and could pass your test fairly easily (except for the running, I'm out of aerobic shape for sure), I think the pull ups are a little tough for even the average athlete. My father-in-law cycles 150mi a week and can't do that and most women can't do a single pull up. I think women would probably have a lot of trouble with the benchpresses, too. The upper body strength is just not there.

Physical fitness is unquestionably important for survival. I always get mad when I see obese police officers and firefighters, I think to myself, "How are you supposed to protect/rescue/apprehend someone when you can't even carry your own weight?"

It would be interesting and sad to see how many people just plain died when the SHTF because they weren't in good enough shape.

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I work out Monday through friday. I lift weights and do no cardio, typical powerlifter. I have impressive lifts, but if the SHTF and I had to perform endurance wise I would die. I have no intention of changing my ways because I like it this way so I will make you guys a deal. When the time comes I will stay behind and hold them off as long as I can while you guys hump it to safer ground.

You'll have a job after the dust settles.



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Guest mustangdave

Cardio cardio cardio...PT...was what it was all about during my time in the Navy...slacked off after I retired...and friggin packed on extra weight. Jumped back on the PT wagon when I hit the BIG 5-OH...weights down (not as much as I would like) and going in that general direction...with a program of swimming/cycling...3-4 times a week...stretching...calistendics exercises...and dumbbell weights...

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Guest benchpresspower
+1 on keeping in decent shape... Don't want to end up being one of these guys:


I wonder if they would have sold more copies of Modern Warfare 2 if this had been on the cover?:tinfoil:

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