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Glock Disassembly Tool

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Need to pickup a Glock disassembly tool and just wondered if anyone knew of some place local (Middle Tennessee Area) that carried them locally? I know I can order them online I just hate paying ten bucks shipping on a ten dollar item.

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Guest Plainsman

Surely you can find $40 worth of "needed items" from Midway. That would save you the processing fee at least, and depending on the items, the shipping can be very little. Not to mention you're not paying tax or the gas money to get there. Its all relative.

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Guest goomba

I can always find "needed items" at midway.....you should see my wish list :)

seriously, I'd order the thing along with some other stuff you need/want.

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Guest rabidrhino

Typically I use whatever is around (ink pen, small screw, fork) to get the pins started then pull the pins out with pliers or the like. That's really all you need.

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I'm going to have to agree Harbor Freight will have some decent cheap punches, if you want a little better quality you can run to walmart and get some Stanley's nd if you're willing to shell out the big bucks get to Sears and get some Craftsman ($45 for a set of 16 or $5 a peice). Or you can do what I did and get on Midway and get some good Lyman Roll Pin Punches, Lymans Brass/Nylon hammer, Grace Brass Punches and then go to Sears and get some good steel punches and a nice ball peen hammer.

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