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Bullet Wedged in barrel at the cylinder of a Colt Revolver

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I have an old Colt 32-20 Police Positive revolver. I took it out earlier for a little target practice and had a round that, I believe, didn't have enough powder to push it even all the way into the barrel, leaving some of the bullet sticking into the cylinder. However, by some weird phenomenon, a fresh bullet is behind the stuck round so that I am not able to remove the cylinder to push out the round. I am wondering if anybody knows what to do? Should I take it to a gunsmith or attempt this fix for myself?

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Figured I'd let everybody know, the problem was in the ammo. Apparently, Georgia Arms sold me reloads as being new ammo and didn't bother to put any powder in at least one of the shells, the one I've discovered was the one causing the problems. Harry at H&H fixed it in like 30 seconds. I'm waiting to see if I can find some good ammo. Apparently not too many places make ammo for a 32-20 handgun anymore.

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Wether it was new ammo or reloaded, wouldn't have matter they could have missed the powder in new ammo also. Georgia Arms "new" ammo is new components loaded by them in their shop and their reloads are ammo loaded with used brass. Unfortunate, but their stuff is normally good.

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True. I was questioning it before this happened due to all the blow out. The gun was clean, but, after one round, my hands were black with little flecks of unburnt powder. I have intentions of calling them sometime when I'm not completely worked up from thinking the gun was trashed.

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