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IDPA Match in Dickson Sept 18, 2010

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Come all to Dickson this weekend, September 18, 2010. We will having a regular IDPA match with 5 courses of fire. The math round count will 67 min. Come all and watch HOGNUT get his nuts clipped on his BIRTHDAY. Hope to see all of you guys there. A huge thanks goes out to Greg Bell for another wonderfully designed and challenging match.[/color]

Edited by kcevans
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Setup will be at 8AM and new shooter orientation at 8:45. Rounds downrange at 9AM. The match should be over between 12 PM to 1 PM.


IDPA - September 18, 2010

64 Rounds Minimum Pistol

Click Here for Stage descriptions

We hope to see you there at the range! If there are any questions or concerns, please contact President@mctsclub.com or MatchDirector@mctsclub.com

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OK dingleberries......you are forcing the hand of HOGNUTism. I feel that I must go back to the old jedi ways to counteract all of the HATERS. Can't wait until Saturday so Mat can redeem himself on the stage that he tanked so that he would stay in Expert. If you get so high in CDP, there is always revolver.

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OK dingleberries......you are forcing the hand of HOGNUTism. I feel that I must go back to the old jedi ways to counteract all of the HATERS. Can't wait until Saturday so Mat can redeem himself on the stage that he tanked so that he would stay in Expert. If you get so high in CDP, there is always revolver.

Hey Mountain Oyster, you don't actually think I threw those shots do you?

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I went to this event this morning. Now, I just joined the IDPA a week ago, but had never been to an event before. I was a first time shooter and, admittly performed poorly, but had an incredible time. It was well run and I was particularly impressed by the range safety rules. Everyone was friendly, helpful and encouraging which was really appreciated. The range was well organized and the stages challenging. Based on this experience, this was my first event but certainly won't be my last. It was great meeting Mike, the president of MCTS. I will be joining MCTS to help the club improve even more.

Now, I have to start practicing weak hand and tactical reloads so I won't embarass myself so much next time. Thanks, guys, it was a great morning.

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OK..OK. I have learned that I must shut my mouth. I went to Clarksville with another SO to run a classifer for a group of guys that wanted to shoot Puryear. My SO friend talked me into running it with my son's M&P which was still in my bag. After a few minutes of warm up dry fire in the safe area - holy crap I run it in 98.1 and make MASTER. Shot totally out of my own perceived skill level. Oh well - guess I can't compete in SSP for a while. Back to shooting ESP as a Sharpshooter. No more talking smack about talking smack. LOL

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I went to this event this morning. Now, I just joined the IDPA a week ago, but had never been to an event before. I was a first time shooter and, admittly performed poorly, but had an incredible time. It was well run and I was particularly impressed by the range safety rules. Everyone was friendly, helpful and encouraging which was really appreciated. The range was well organized and the stages challenging. Based on this experience, this was my first event but certainly won't be my last. It was great meeting Mike, the president of MCTS. I will be joining MCTS to help the club improve even more.

Now, I have to start practicing weak hand and tactical reloads so I won't embarass myself so much next time. Thanks, guys, it was a great morning.

Thank you for the kind words. We will continue to strive to make every shooter's experience with us positive with the knowledge that everyone at some point will not be happy. We are happy to have new shooters and will assist in providing knowledge from LEO, Military, and competitive shooters to all regular guests and new shooters to the range.


Two words.............weight lifted.

another word...........GAMER. You made master and now you are shooting another division because of that. We taught you well...LOL! Congrats.

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MikePapa1, I'm really glad you enjoyed the day, as HOGNUT stated we are always there to help everyone and share what little knowledge we have, which most of us have learned from making almost every possible mistake there is to make. Thank You for the kind works and I look forward to seeing you again.

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