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Ambushed by Zombies in Knoxville tonight


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Good job, Vontar.

By the way, does that Cafe in the background sell doughnuts?

I am not certain but if they do, I am sure they where well guarded. Leaving almost saw mall security run over someone in the parking garage by driving 2 fast.

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good thing you didn't go into the movies. That theater has a tiny tiny gunbuster sign over by the ticket counter area, you wouldn't want the mall cops to hunt you down on their segways. Yes they do drive Segways at west town!!!! lol. Thanks for sharing this video!!

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good thing you didn't go into the movies. That theater has a tiny tiny gunbuster sign over by the ticket counter area, you wouldn't want the mall cops to hunt you down on their segways. Yes they do drive Segways at west town!!!! lol. Thanks for sharing this video!!

Shouldn't be carrying in the mall anyways because there is a sign at all the entrances that says firearms are not allowed, same as at the east towne mall.


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Shouldn't be carrying in the mall anyways because there is a sign at all the entrances that says firearms are not allowed, same as at the east towne mall.


Notice I said I was only not prepared and only armed with my Droid X. I had one thing I had to visit the mall for then I we left.

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Shouldn't be carrying in the mall anyways because there is a sign at all the entrances that says firearms are not allowed, same as at the east towne mall.


I've never seen those signs and I've looked pretty hard. And is that legal posting?

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Guest tnxdshooter
I've never seen those signs and I've looked pretty hard. And is that legal posting?

They are there I dont recall where I could have sworn though that the last time I was up there at a movie it said it on the door there or by the door going into the movie theater part from the parking garage.

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I've never seen those signs and I've looked pretty hard. And is that legal posting?

Between the two sets of doors at every entrance I have been in there is a long list of "rules'. One of rules is no firearms.

As far as legal, if the property owner doesn't want something on his property like firearms I respect it. I am not going to get into the big long discussion that comes up everytime someone asks if it is a legal posting.


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  • 2 weeks later...
go through sears or any of the other non-main entrances

Bingo. None of the department store entries are posted, and none of the entries to the mall proper from the department stores are posted.

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