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Family history at Christmas time....great visit from grandparents


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We visited with my grandfather David Henley at his homestead yesterday. *Now normally that is nothing out of the ordinary for most people but he has a book of memories and stories that I feel are worth mentioning. *

First of all I am like LT Dan....someone in my finally has fought in every single war since the Revolutionary War.*

Apparently (and I remember this from childhood) the Henley street bridge was named after my great great great great grandfather. (might another great in there) Col. David Henley who my grandfather is named after. *

Col. Henley's descendant remembers previous dedication of Henley bridge | wbir.com

Colonel David Henley

So if anyone has ever wondered about the Henley Street Bridge (I didn't think so) now you know.*

My grandfather was a pilot during WW2 and flew the great F4 F-4 wildcat. *One of my great uncles was shot six times like Tupac at Iwo Jima. * He lived to write a memoir about his experience only to succumb to a house fire.*

One of my other great uncles was shot in the battle of Midway. * They all survived unlike Lt Dans family. *

Basically I just wanted to share a piece of my life with you guys and below are pictures of my grandfather during our visit wiith some other family members.*

David Henley


My wife and my grandfather...his memory book on the table


The back yard. *Their poodle is back there some where


My grandfather and a family friend


My wife :down:


And my grandfather pimping his UT tobaggon


Edited by Krull
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It's great finding out you have a cool family history. There are some great geneology web sites and computer programs to help find and keep track of aditional info.

ie. Through the university of Mich. I found an 1870 census page that has my great grandparents families listed. They all had farms next to each other.

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what a great family history, one you can definitely be proud of. While my family didn't fight in every war, they are still pretty interesting. My grandmother on my mothers side gave birth to 19 kids!! I doubt anyone can top that. So I have a lot of family on that side and family reunions are fun.

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what a great family history, one you can definitely be proud of. While my family didn't fight in every war, they are still pretty interesting. My grandmother on my mothers side gave birth to 19 kids!! I doubt anyone can top that. So I have a lot of family on that side and family reunions are fun.

WOW. Christmas at your house gets expensive. Muhahahahahahaha. That's a lot of kids man.

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Guest tnxdshooter

Cookeville, was named after my great, great, great, great grandfather Richard F. Cooke. Our names are on a placard as descendents of his at the court house in cookeville. My great grandfather Willis Hyder was the last person in the state of TN to carry mail by horse back. The Tennesseean Magazine wrote an article about him and had his picture on the front cover. Hyder burkes pavillion in cookeville is named after my great uncle clyde hyder (ag teacher at TTU for years) and senator tommy burkes. Also, the land that the Tennessee Tech Farm sits on was donated to TTU by my great uncle clyde. My grandpa fought the germans in wwII. He never saw any real action but did have two near death experiences. The first being in England he was in a club house for soldiers playing cards and a bomb got dropped on the place by the germans. The blast blew my grandfather out of his chair and threw him 10 feet. He had a few cuts and bruises but didnt go and get bandaged up at the infirmary because he didnt feel he needed to get a medal for something so un important. The second time in France his platoon was camped in an orchard and it was raining that night. He decided to put his sleeping bag under the 6x6 truck. He woke up the next morning with the other men in their fox holes cussing him because he slept through a straife attack and the germans had shot out all the trees in the orchard with machine gun fire from a plane.

Edited by tnxdshooter
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