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Dead Island

Guest DKenyon28

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I have mixed feelings on it. It evokes a deep emotional response from me.

I love the whole concept of the Zombie Apocalypse. It fascinates me and consumes most of my library of films, books and games.

The trailer was very well done, very cinematic and timed right.

While it looks like something that is right up my alley, I will have to stay away from this.

My reasons are simple and a bit naive, but they are strong.

I abhor things that get cheap thrills by using a child to get an emotional response. Be it a television show, or a film, to me it seems like a cheap tactic. Before I was a parent, it wouldn't have phased me. Before I was a parent, nothing phased me or scared me.

Now, as a parent, nothing scares me worse than the thought that something could happen to my child.

Watching something that purposely plays on that fear, for me, is impossible.

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Guest DKenyon28

Honestly, I guess I don't understand your reasons. I can understand not wanting to see anything happen to your child but it is a video game about zombies. I mean, come on, it's not like zombies are likely to ever happen. Maybe it's because I don't have kids but i can easily distinguish between fact or fiction, video game or real life.

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It has nothing to do with being able to 'easily distinguish fact from fiction' it has to do with not wanting to subject myself to things that I find uncomfortable.

For me it is a cheap gimmick. There is a television show my wife used to watch. I forget the name, it was one of those crime shows. Every episode had some child being killed in a horrific manner. It didn't happen off screen and allude to what might have happened. The show graphically showed the child being tortured and killed. Graphic enough that I was amazed that it got through on our watered down television. It was my opinion that it was done simply for ratings. I don't begrudge folks that want to watch that. I fully understand that a lot of folks enjoy watching something that scares them in order to get their endorphins going to achieve a high.

That is not something I dig. I don't need shock value at this point in my life.

I suppose part of it comes down to being a protector, instead of a tormentor.

It fully comes down to being a parent.

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I have mixed feelings on it. It evokes a deep emotional response from me.

I love the whole concept of the Zombie Apocalypse. It fascinates me and consumes most of my library of films, books and games.

The trailer was very well done, very cinematic and timed right.

While it looks like something that is right up my alley, I will have to stay away from this.

My reasons are simple and a bit naive, but they are strong.

I abhor things that get cheap thrills by using a child to get an emotional response. Be it a television show, or a film, to me it seems like a cheap tactic. Before I was a parent, it wouldn't have phased me. Before I was a parent, nothing phased me or scared me.

Now, as a parent, nothing scares me worse than the thought that something could happen to my child.

Watching something that purposely plays on that fear, for me, is impossible.

I'm with you but not with you. I am a parent too and I understand how you change when you become one. Every time you see a sick kid on TV it just wrenches at your gut and makes realize how blessed you are. You hate to see kids suffering.

But at the same time that's kind of the point of this kind of thing. It evokes that reaction in you but since it's in the genre of "horror" you keep on watching or playing or whatever.

I totally understand and respect your reasoning, but this game will be mine.

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