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WH Calls for better background checks

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Guest TnValleyBulletman
Of course, the NRA could come to the table and demand that certain laws be repealed.

- OS

Don't hold your breath waiting on that.

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Guest mosinon
What's there to talk about? That's all they should

have said. No new laws need to be passed.

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I tend to agree AR but anytime you refuse to listen you come off as the bad guy. NRA is basically a PR organization. That was terrible Public Relations. You go, you listen, you say "we don't agree" People say "They are trying to work together"

You refuse to show up and people say "hey, those guys are nuts, they won't even listen" and you get painted as a radical group. I saw it on a few sites today. NRA won't talk to Obama. Guns nuts gone wild!

When it comes to the media you have two choices: Tell your story or let someone else tell it for you.

when you let someone else tell it for you screw up about about every time (legal proceedings are different)

now the NRA doesn't even get to tell their story because they wouldn't listen. Much better to say we showed and heard crazy talk than to say we couldn't be bothered. If I want children protecting my rights I will get my kid to paint a sign.

YEah, it plays with the hard right gun folks but those aren't the folks we need to worry about.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I'm late in the discussion, so I don't even know some of the details, but why waste the energy

talking to a radical who is trying to paint himself as some kind of common sense moderate? Why

even bother giving him another stage to look that way?

A repeal of a bunch of the existing laws would do much more good than discussing with a left wing

idiot the nuances of something that doesn't make sense, to begin with? The courts and the states

are taking actions that are much more productive than letting Obama upstage and cover up some

other message that really should be looked at. He is a master of using one issue for the public while

doing something else rather quietly at the same time.

I won't take sides necessarily with the NRA, but I don't want to give Obama any kind of platform


We all should know by now what the media is an arm of: The White House and whatever they want

to say. I certainly don't give a damn what the media says about us "radicals", because they are talking

to themselves far as I'm concerned. The public is growing tired of the crap they hear and probably have

quit listening except for the diehard propagandists.

I don't think the NRA has been telling their message very well for a long time.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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