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Thought about trading my Kimber but changed my mind

Guest Oaklands

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Guest Oaklands

I have had a real itch to get a SA EMP in 9mm. So much that I thought about trading my Kimber Pro Carry II. Went as far as to try and trade on a couple of other forums and sent an e-mail to the owner of the gun range I frequent to be on the lookout for a good used one.

I just cleaned my Kimber a few minutes ago and took the 22 conversion kit off it. Got to checking it out with the fiber optic sight and adjustable rear sights and said to my self, "Self, why in the hell are you wanting trade this thing. It is dependable as can be, got a great feel, easy to carry, and it looks great. Well I talked myself out of it. No way I am parting with this gun.

An EMP will just have to be an addition to my 1911 collection and not a replacement. One day when the funds are available I will have one, but for now, my Kimber will keep it's place at home.

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I had the same idea and yelp I'm keeping mine to I'll jest save my extra cash and get one later you did the wright thing smart move I would like to get the emp in 40 S&W

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EMP's must be on everyone's mind right now. Looked at one while at the Armory last weekend. Couldn't decide between the G10 grips and the stock crossed cannon grips.

So I wimped out and left. But I do see one in my future and I'm sure it won't be long.:eek:

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Guest TnValleyBulletman

Trading is only a good idea if you are trading off something you wont use anymore. Never, ever trade off a gun you like as much as that Kimber.

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Seems like any movement of a handgun or long gun really is bad for most of us. I think that the regret of losing a firearm from any cause is universal to us. I know that I usually won't part with a gun unless it's for a better one, and even then the withdrawal from the loss is painful.

Not being a smartass really, I just don't like to sell my guns. I do but, I miss them later.

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Guest 10mm4me

I guess I am the oddball here. I change guns like I change my socks. I'm always trading (up and down). I don't mind taking a little hit now and then if I know it's gonna make someone's day. There are 2 groups I won't trade though...1. My Sigs 2. Guns given to me as gifts, which wouldn't you know it usually ends up being Sigs. How convenient.

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Guest earlybird

I traded my Kimber Ten II awhile back :) Biggest mistake ever. Wish I had kept it. But I needed a car for work. Still looking for a decent replacement. Apparently the Pro Carry Ten II's are a little hard to come by. But I will keep on.

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Guest The Highlander

I have a Kimber Target with a .22lr convesion kit as well. It is actually the most accurate .22 I own, which I didn't expect with a conversion. I like the gun in both .45 and .22, although it is fired much more as a .22.

I also have an EMP in 9mm. This things is the ultimate carry gun! My "small" gun when I was wearing just a tank top and shorts or something has always been a S&W 342 Ti in .38. The EMP is almost identical in size with that gun other than weight obviously. But it has twice the fire power, better sights, better trigger, fits my hand better, and is much easier to shoot well. Oh yeah, it is faster to reload. Cost around twice as much though.

Mine has been totally reliable, other than firing weak-hand. And that is purely traceable to my grip. When I focus on the proper grip, the gun is perfect even firing weak side. Never a single issue shooting strong side, although others have had problems with the EMP. SA has extremely good customer service they say, I've never needed it.

Keep the Kimber, save your quarters for the EMP. But I promise you will not be disappointed in the little jewel!

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Guest Oaklands

I'll probably have the EMP in my stable by year end. You mentioned the .22 conversion and it's accuracy. I am amazed by that as well. Lots of fun to shoot.

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