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Pics of my Bad Habit

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Okay, I've got into the bad habit of collecting knives again. I need HELP!B)

From top to bottom-

Chris Reeve Neil Roberts(My first CR. VERY nice.)

ESEE 5(Built like a tank)

Entrek Javalina(Nothing fancy but very functional)

Spyderco Military(A little big for EDC, but a good outdoors folder)

Lone Wolf Cheyenne(my usual EDC)

Benchmade Mini Griptillian(Sweet little knife. I'm a big fan of the AXIS lock.)


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Is the pocket clip on the Spyderco removable? Pics I find, looks like screws but can't tell for sure.

And further, does the main hinge screw help hold the clip, or sort of looks like clip is held by screws around it?

Meaning, I don't much like clips, and wondered if removing clip affects main hinge assembly?

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest Scramasax

Nice collection of good practical knives. I have gone through 3000+ knives in my lifetme. Both factory and custom. Had to live off the sales of my first collection for three years. That was a crushing blow. Now I an on my third run of aquireing and it is easier to turn loose of them . I guess it is the fun of finding, buying, selling and trading. Been out of it for a while due to heart problems. So planning on going to the bladeshow this time and seeing old friends. I hope on this round to get some of my patterns made in numbers to sell. I bought my first custom knife in 1972.

It is a bad habit that hopefully will not go away. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.



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Is the pocket clip on the Spyderco removable? Pics I find, looks like screws but can't tell for sure.

And further, does the main hinge screw help hold the clip, or sort of looks like clip is held by screws around it?

Meaning, I don't much like clips, and wondered if removing clip affects main hinge assembly?

- OS

The clip is held on by three very small torx screws and is removable. The hinge and clip are completely separate and removing the clip doesn't effect the hinge.
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The clip is held on by three very small torx screws and is removable. The hinge and clip are completely separate and removing the clip doesn't effect the hinge.

Rats. Sounds like I'd like it fine. :P

I think I just felt my Buck 110 wiggle in back pocket. Jealous sucker.

- OS

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Nice blades!

ESEE-5 is my get home alive blade. I'd trust it with just about any task.

Spyderco military is my EDC. Great blade. Clip is the weak point, though. I find myself adjusting mine about every 6 months. Great blade, though!

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Guest 73challenger

Nice collection! I EDC a mini-griptillian as well. I love the look of the ESEE knives. I want one of them or a ZT folder next.

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Definitely agree on the hest. Great for the size. I've got some trimmed waterproof matches and some of that fuel enriched cotton fire starter under the handles. Love the Esee 4 too, but should have gone a tad bigger, think I might do the Esee 6 for battoning purposes. :)

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ESEE 5 is absolutely bomb proof. It's my go to big knife, and my get home blade. There's video on the web of people battening them through other "good" knives. Abusive, yes. But I like to know that my knives can take anything I'm likely to dish out.

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