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MacGyver last won the day on January 21

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About MacGyver

  • Birthday 11/14/1974

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  • Location
    Brentwood, TN
  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 19
  • Carry Weapon #2
    M&P 340CT

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Postus Maximus

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Community Answers

  1. Your dentist is going to have zero empathy when you chip a tooth or four.
  2. I've stayed out of the last several pages of comments - but I'll say this. As a lifelong person of faith - it *really* messes you up when by all accounts you should've died and didn't. You won't really be the same ever again. People will say all kinds of stupid stuff - mostly because they care about you and don't know what to say. I've always had a bit of a problem with the "God must have spared you" line of reasoning. I mean, that's fine if that's what you want to believe I guess. But, it's hard to accept when you got to come home one day and 2,977 other people didn't. Same for Saturday. Was his life worth more than that fire captain's? As a person of faith, I'm willing to hold some space for "who knows?" or "maybe that's not really any concern of mine." Personally what lets me sleep at night is "this world is really broken - and it's being made right and we're closer to the end than the beginning - but we're sure not there yet." I say all that to say - the former president is probably pretty messed up. I could make speculations about his faith or lack there of - but I won't. I'll just say that I expect he finds himself in a place where he doesn't really have a bucket to put what just happened in. At some point everyone who's been through something like that looks in the same mirror - their head hits the same pillow at night - and that can be a really tough place. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
  3. This is a known fraudulent account.
  4. Also, be kind. Everyone on this forum joined for a reason. We can all agree that political violence is reprehensible.
  5. USSS has some Real explaining to do. A guy with a long gun on an elevated roof 125m from their principal. Something(s) really broke down tonight.
  6. MacGyver


    Goodness. Good luck and Godspeed. You’ll be in my prayers. Keep us apprised.
  7. This is a neat pattern. I bet it makes for a great EDC.
  8. Oh, I'm not really someone you'd want making judgements on any of that. All I'll saying is that I've seen her work. She took the seat she's in on the council from someone she thought was dismissive of her concerns. She ran on spite - and beat him by putting in the work. So, whether you like her or not - I'm just saying I wouldn't be dismissive of her.
  9. I don't know how I'm just seeing this. That's really nice
  10. You are welcome to post this as an NFA item in the regular classified - with all the NFA disclaimers of course - and when we stand up a specific NFA sub forum, we will move it over.
  11. This is contrary to how a modern dealership actually works. A modern new car dealership is actually 3 businesses in one. 1. the business of selling you a new car (maybe $1000-$1500 in it for most dealerships - some make significantly less) 2. the business of finance and insurance - how are you going to pay for the car and what products can we sell you for it - (around $2500 for the average dealership - some significantly more - some significantly less). Whether or not you buy products - if you don't bring your own financing you're likely getting an interest rate that's marked up to "what the customer will bear" and the dealer splits this with the bank. This is 50% of profit in some dealerships 3. the business of servicing your car (maybe thousands of dollars over the life of a car) Now - what you need to know about each of those things is that each of them has a manager - and they have a compensation plan that is results driven. A service manager doesn't care if you bought a car from them. They're thrilled you're in their shop instead of where you bought it - because they're making money when you service your car there. Likewise, the F&I manager doesn't care the first thing in the world if you just negotiated the best deal in the world on that vehicle. They make their money in lining up financing and selling you warranties, gap insurance, wheel and tire protection, etc. So, all that to say - if you're a part of the new car ecosystem - it's good to have a working relationship with a dealer near you.
  12. She's a reliable conservative - mind you that's probably not enough for most people these days. That said - she's in a district with someone who absolutely should be vulnerable. Incumbent advantage makes it more or less a toss up - advantage still goes to Ogles.
  13. It’s like obscenity - they just know it when they see it.
  14. You will attract their ire selling above personal quantities though.
  15. Yep. A letter to your particular office is more than appropriate. I’ve known a few people who’ve taken receivers off the registry in a similar way.


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