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Taking a CCW class tomorrow.

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Guest Victor9er

Just to add to this...

if you are going for a Tn. permit it is a HCP " Handgun Carry Permit " , Tn is an open carry state or a concealed carry your choice.

TN is open or concealed carry with a permit. That's why it's simply referred to as a Handgun Carry Permit (HCP) rather than a Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permit. A state such as Louisiana, which does not require a permit for open carry but does require one for concealed carry would issue a CCW. (or CWP.. I forget exactly which term they use)

Subtle, but important differences that you'll have to learn to keep up with especially if you travel to other states.

Edited by Victor9er
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Guest TnRebel

the same in Florida , they issue a CWP ( concealed weapons permit ) and it has to be concealed but it also includes switch blade knives or brass knuckles or anything of a weapon nature.

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Thanks for all the input.

I found the class to be very easy both written and shooting. 100's all the way.

Permit payed for and finger prints taken. Now the wait begins.

One note: does anyone know who L1 is? They are a third party collecting the info and fingerprints for the state.

What agreement do they have with the state and what does it say they can do with mine and your info and prints?

I hope the state is on the ball and has them locked down.

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