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Waiting to buy=missing out

Guest bemills86

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Guest bemills86

A while back I stopped at my local gun shop to "look" around. While doing so, I found 2 Norinco Mak 90s. Both weapons unfired in original packaging, still coated with cosmoline priced at $299! Decided I would come back the next day and get one. I thought to myself, there are 2 of them, shops about to close, ill wait. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! I get up bright and early the next day and head to the shop cash in hand. While on the way I remembered my drivers license had not been updated with a current address. I stop by the DMV (less than a mile from aforementioned shop) and get in/out within 15 minutes (big shock right! 15 minutes in and out!) then proceed to go to the shop. Walk in the door and guess what 2 items are on the counter being purchased! One guy decides he wants both rifles one for himself and one for his son. I ended up settling for a never fired Norinco SKS which I had wanted another of since I sold my last. I kicked myself for a week after for waiting. Just wanted to share this bit, taught me to not wait when my gut tells me its a great deal....

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You snooze, you lose.

And online can be even worse. I put a 'notify' on Davidson's Gallery of Guns if a particular lever action became available. Got the email a few days ago.

:drool:I went through a few minutes of hand wringing, I can't afford this now, my wife's gonna kill me, etc. When I logged in, there were 4 left. Before I could get my card info entered, they were all gone. :cry:

I've done it with C&R's too.

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