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Hello from Spring Hill

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I guess I coulda shared a little more info - lol.

I enjoy fishing, off road vehicles (building them, and wheeling them), ATV's, and that's about it.

I'm looking for both my wife and I to get our carry permits this year some time.

I've recently picked up a pair of AK47 kits, and a pair of AK74 kits as my first foray into gun building.

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Hello David, from another Spring Hill dweller.

Are you a member at Owl Hollow?

Good luck on the AKs, I have thought about getting into those, but so far all of money is in pistols, ARs, and remington rifles. If I add another now my wife may have her friends Smith and Wesson visit me.

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Thanks everyone.

No, I'm not a member of Own Hollow. I was on their website today reading up about it though - since it is quite close to where I live. But the questions about their lease (and seeing how that area is growing up) has me wondering it it's a good idea to look at joining.

As for the AK's, I'm not into them too deep so far, and I hope to keep it that way. I got the AK47 kits as a way to learn a little about the inner workings of guns. The AK74's kinda fell into my lap along the way.

SHbicycle - if you want to pass along someone you'd recommend for the class, I'd appreciate it.

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