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My High Point Carbine Review


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<br><a href="http://14kvghl.jpg" data-cke-saved-href="http://14kvghl.jpg">http://14kvghl.jpg</a><br><br>

Finally had a chance to use my 9mm High Point carbine yesterday. I cannot believe how awesome it is! I was a skeptic, but have been proven wrong. This gun handles like a much more expensive gun. The recoil was similar to a .22 LR with the bang of a 9mm. The above photo is my 2nd shot with it. I was about 75-80 feet from this 3" sticky target. All my other groupings were within 1.5 inch circle. I could not believe how effortlessly I was able to shoot this rifle. I highly recommend this to anyone wanting a pistol caliber rifle. My only complaint is the small capacity magazines, but it is still way cool!

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I've actually heard nothing but praise for the hipoint carbines, so this is another reassuring story. For me though, if I were to buy something in that category I think I would have to go with a keltec sub2000 for the different magazine options - but again that is just me. Glad it shoots like a dream.

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I have the 9mm too. It has never failed from the first round to around 200, so far. This gun is a lot of fun for $280. I understand Hi-Point is coming out with a 15 round magazine but I have not seen it yet. I have my laser dialed in at 25 yards, which is supposed to line it up at 100 yards too.

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