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TN HCP Holder carries and nothing happened

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I was out the other day, and somehow left my drivers license at home. Had to use the carry permit as photo ID on a Olive Garden bill. Blew the young server kid's mind (all good). He came back three times asking various questions (suprised he did not ask if I had a gun on me . :x: )

Edited by R_Bert
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Guest foister82
It was not my first time.

I was posting something positive since there seems to be so much attention on negative stories of people shooting themselves, shooting others, driving while carrying, etc

Driving while carrying :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

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somewhere in TN, a legal driver hit or killed someone with there car. How many hundreds of times will someone run into someone else with their legally owned, legally licensed vehicle before worthless slobs at the tennessean or some other bed wetter demands that tight restrictions be put on car ownership?

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