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Reddot Rail Placement

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Can anyone explain where they mount their red dots on their rails and why? I've heard both cases where some say you should mount it as far forward as possible and then I hear some people mount it as far rearward as possible.

Pertaining to mounting it as far forwards as possible, most that I have read said that they mount it as far forward as possible without "bridging" the upper and the handguard rails. This makes sense to me since they are usually two separate pieces. However, if I have a monolithic upper rail, would it make sense to mount it even farther forward? I suppose the argument is that the farther forward you mount the aimpoint, the lower the profile of the sight giving you a better view of what your aiming at.

I'm leaving to go zero my rifle right now and I have it mounted slightly forward of the "upper receiver area." I bet someone is going to convince me to move it farther forward. And is this one of the perks of having a monolithic upper receiver? lol

What are your thoughts as far as rail mounting positions? Thanks

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It depends on what type Red Dot vs Holographic. A lot has to do with a persons eyesight. I have to find the sweet spot

depending on which sight, no two are the same if you wear corrective lens or have a astigmatism.

Definitely depends on the optic (M68/Eotech/CMORE). On another note, I'm digging that Chairborne Badge. I've never seen that before and I think I'm gonna have to steal it. I'm googling right now to look for an actual pin. Awesome.

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