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Guest jcoyle6

Well thats a really good question.

It was my AOW.

Heres what happened...

Once upon a time, three friends were at the range. They each took turns shooting targets and making tight groups. All but one. Bteague2.....

No, seriously. The magazine tube nut came off because it came loose while we were shooting. I replaced the cap and Chase (cstandie) wasn't sure if the gun still worked. I assured them that it did, and that the magazine tube cap thing didn't affect any other part of the gun. No parts went flying off or anything.

So Chase tries to cycle and function check the weapon. Racks the slide and pulls the trigger on an empty chamber and no click. "Hey you've got a problem..." WT the eff? So I take it and start racking the slide back and forth to see if a piece just wasn't lining up properly. Nothing would help. Then the slide locked closed and wouldn't budge. I became fairly confused as a Remington 870 has only a few moving parts and is a KISS stupid simple mechanism. Frustrated I shook the gun, so as to reestablish my Alpha Male Status over the weapon. It seemed to work. By holding the gun upside down and shaking I got the firing pin to engage. So I tried again. Nothing. I tried again. Click. And again. Nothing. It worked a few times in a row and then it didn't and then I noticed the slide release button got jammed.

I figured I just needed to take it a part and wipe everything down. I put it in my trunk for the ride home.

BTeague2 just figured I killed it.

After getting home and retrieving it from my trunk I mess with it some more. Lo and behold it works! I don't have a clue as to why. I think the slide release button just got jammed on the range somehow.

Let me say it one more time: IT WORKS NOW! It's NOT BROKEN, after a few minutes of R&R in the trunk it came back... I guess it needed a rest?

Edited by jcoyle6
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BTeague2 just figured I killed it.

After getting home and retrieving it from my trunk I mess with it some more. Lo and behold it works! I don't have a clue as to why. I think the slide release button just got jammed on the range somehow.

Let me say it one more time: IT WORKS NOW! It's NOT BROKEN, after a few minutes of R&R in the trunk it came back... I guess it needed a rest?

You left the range with a non functioning 870 and didn't tell me you got it to work again, by standards better then mine that counts as broken. And watching it happen was hilarious. :D

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Guest jcoyle6

Once upon a time, three friends were at the range. They each took turns shooting targets and making tight groups. All but one. Bteague2.....

Hey now! don't try to go and change the subject jk jk.

Well it had me a little concerned, especially since the 870 is a hard to get firearm with few replacement parts.

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