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Guest Victor9er


Yeah, I've seen some screen shots for Skyrim, looks amazing. I got Oblivion but just never could get too far into it. I'm not sure if I just didn't have the time to put in or if it was just too much of an open ended game that I kind of got lost with it. I wasn't planning on getting another Elder Scrolls game honestly, but the more I see about Skyrim the more I'm starting to want it!

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New trailer.

The graphics look fantastic. I am glad I upgraded my video cards to two GTX570s a couple of months ago. Hopefully I will be able to max out the settings and still get decent fps to really see how good this game looks. I was running Deus Ex Human Revolutions at 1920x1080 on my 30' HP with zero problems.

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I was toying with the idea of going to my local gamestop and seeing if I could bribe them for a copy early. Then I remembered I bought it off Steam =(.

Here's hoping they allow pre-loading on steam. Usually do for big releases, but nothing yet.

Also, the graphics are extremely good, but the console versions Bethesda has said is graphically on low-medium settings. Takes a PC to really see what they've built. I'd bet most the screens are from the PC version myself. Hoping my two 460 GTX cards can handle it on Ultra settings, but havent found a game yet that bogs it down.

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Guest Victor9er

Waiting for this on Friday, I decided I have to have it :)

Have you guys heard about the "vampire mode" on it? Apparently, you can contract the vampirism disease and if you wait long enough you'll actually turn into a vampire and can play that way. They said it opens up a new way of playing it because the sun affects your powers and so forth. Sounds cool.


Here's a video where they talk about it, the vampire part starts at about the 1:45 mark...


Edited by Victor9er
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Vampirism has been in Elder scrolls since the first one I think? Maybe Daggerfall. Could also be a werewolf in daggerfall, dunno about morrowind as I didnt play that one much. Wasnt in Oblivion, but they are bringing lycanthropy back too!

Cannot. Wait.

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

Yes you could be a vampire in Daggerfall. You could be a werewolf in one of the Morrowind expansions.

I have a gaming PC but I'm gonna get it on 360 at launch. They are gonna release DLC for 360 about a month earlier than for PS3 or PC.

I'll probably get the GOTY edition later on for PC off Steam when the price drops. I got the GOTY edition of Fallout 3 (the game & ALL 5 expansions!!!) a while back on sale for only $10 off Steam! I'll probably do the same thing for Skyrim.

I played 8 bit NES & Atari back in the day so the graphical differences between Skyrim on 360 & Skyrim on my PC arent really something that I get all worked up about. I dont mind waiting a few years to play it on my PC. :)

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Guest ArmaDeFuego
I will have to give it a try. As an old gamer, I played TES 1 on a 386, and daggerfalls, and all the rest since.... but, I can wait for the price to fall before I get it.

No way I can wait. I have been waiting for 6 years. I cant wait any longer!!!

Tonight is the last night I will go to sleep before I get to play it! I am soooo pumped for midnight tomorrow! I have to work on Friday though, so that kind of sucks. I will probably be dead at work that day. I'll probably only get about 2 hours of sleep tomorrow night. :shrug:

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You could be a vampire in oblivion but not a werewolf but in skyrim you can be both. The werewolf feature is powerful as you can usually kill a person in one hit and when you do normal running you are on your hind legs and in sprint mode you drop to all four. You can only turn once a day and it will last as long as you feed on a human otherwise you'll turn back to human mode. The only downside is when in werewolf form you cannot loot.

Oh and another thing, if you drop an item it will stay there unless a npc comes and asks if they can have it. One of the coolest features now is in your house you can now add or remove books to say your bookcases or weapons to a rack. Lastly and I really like this one is when you kill someone you can drag their body to a hiding spot or to toss them off a cliff or bridge.

Speaking a bridge the water in the world now has a current and sometimes rapids so you can now float down the rivers while drinking some ale or wine lol

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I cannot remember if the original had were critters and vamps or not. I think it did not, the first time I remember being able to do that was the one where you could own a ship (similar to owning a house) which was daggerfall. The negative about the game is the ability to be insanely overpowerd after a few levels, every single one of them became a bit boring after you could wipe out an army single handedly. They tried to counter that in morrowind and oblivion, and sort of succeeded in oblivion. In oblivion they gutted the enchanting system and alchemy and weakened magic a lot, and those 3 were the main problem areas. Morrowind was the worst, with those 3 all being super powerful and the expansions making it even more unbalanced with super weapons and super armor at level 1 (dark bro armor, goblin armor, guard weapons from expansion area, etc).

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

Just a little over 5 hours to go!!

I cant wait. I just finished driving all around town looking for some place selling it early. I didnt find any. :)

Soooo I guess I'm still gonna be waiting outside Gamestop at midnight! I still havent decided if I'm gonna skip work tomorrow or not. If I dont get any sleep tonight I probably will. :)

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Guest ArmaDeFuego

I tried to! I got a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow but the only time they had available was at 4:00 so I can still go to work. :) If I take off it will have to be without pay. We'll see. I'll probably just go to work & then play the hell out of it tomorrow night & all this weekend. :)

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