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Type 53 Carbine-Omega

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Hey guys I was thinking about getting a type 53 carbine from Omega Weapons Systems. Has anyone ordered one from there? The owner said that the guns are in fair shape, so I am not expecting a beauty queen, but would you guys order one? I'm really looking for a shooter, and for the price ($65) it might be worth it. I noticed SOG and Classic Arms have them in for $149, but I don't even know if they would be worth the extra money. What are yalls experiences with this m44 clone? Thanks guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although there seems to be a glut of them to hit the market in the past month, T-53s are much rarer than the M44's, although not impossible. Also the T53 are usually beat up and mismatched numbered. If you find a nice one that is matching numbered you truly have a unique piece.

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I ordered a 53 from Aim last week for $150, and it arrived last night. They're listed as out of stock today. Mine is in very rough shape. It's closer to fair condition than good. The blueing is mostly gone, and the stock looks like it doubled as a club. There are many chunks taken out of the wood, and someone began carving a word in it. The barrel was loose, but then I noticed it was only because someone has partially loosened a retaining clip. So I was thinking I had made a bum purchase. Then I noticed the serial numbers match. So I've decided I did alright after all.

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@johnwilliams5721 if you can find a cheap m44 stock, you could have a good lookin piece. Regarding Omega, I might try to order a T53 from them at some point, but not now. I ordered a T53 from SOG last week, and I chose the hand pick for $10. In the comment box, I asked for numbers matching, I get an email a day later that they have no # matching T53s and then they asked if I wanted to continue the order or cancel. So I told them if they could give me a numbers matching M44 I would take it. I could not be happier with my purchase. It's a 1944 Izzy, all numbers match, and the best part of it all is that my M44 is an absolute nail driver. I'm thinking about orderering a M24/47 from SOG, I am very pleased with their customer service to say the least.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't decided what to do with it yet. I have a m44 in very nice shape already. I'm thinking of fixing the minimum (replace missing screw) and leaving the wear and tear. It's been a good conversation starter. Everyone wants to know what happened to it. A new stock is an option, but it needs some reblueing too if I was to refurbish it like that. One day ....

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Type 53 = China

M44 = Russia

Pretty much the same other then the markings iirc.

Classic says the Chinese characters say "kill the roundeye" or possibly " #296 beef and broccoly" Got mine from them with the $10 select. $185.00 to the door which is pretty high but I got one in fair to good cond. Stock is rough but the metal and bore is V/G. Not with matching #s Shoots slightly low and left at 25yds. with a good group.

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