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CATO Institute report on defensive gun use

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I do not choose to pay any attention to what the CATO writes, types, or says. Regardless of its usefulness.

Of course this is mainly due to my own personal bias against the men who fund it, the Koch brothers.

Edited by Seabeejason
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I do not choose to pay any attention to what the CATO writes, types, or says. Regardless of its usefulness.

Of course this is mainly due to my own personal bias against the men who fund it, the Koch brothers.

Don't see why. They fund conservative and libertarian causes in at least equal measure to liberal ones, much like the Cato Institute itself. As a matter of fact, if O is to be defeated, a significant amount of credit will be due to the Koch brothers.

- OS

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Guest 6.8 AR

I'm glad the Koch brothers are around to fund things like this, if in fact they had anything to do with it.

the other side has people like George Soros, Ted Turner, etc. to fund various and sundry programs

filled with lies to distort actual research done by John Lott and others. If it weren't for people likle the

Koch brothers, we might already be living in Utopia. Someone has to balance things out.

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Guest drv2fst

I do not choose to pay any attention to what the CATO writes, types, or says. Regardless of its usefulness.

Of course this is mainly due to my own personal bias against the men who fund it, the Koch brothers.

What do you have against the Koch brothers?

I used to work for them in Wichita KS. I never met them in person but, I was very impressed with everything they did. I thought they ran a great company and serve as a great example of just what we need in this country.

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I am not a Liberal, so I do not agree with Soros either. But the Koch brothers have done lots to adversely affect the economy for their own benefit. I really do not want to get into the details because I am not in the mood for a political debate. Their actions in certain business ventures exemplify greed. It is one thing to be a good business man (which they are both very good at), but it is another to do it at the expense of the entire general poplulation and the nation as a whole.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I don't want to debate with you, although I'm always available to:D I just was curious about the Koch brothers.

i've never heard anything negative about them, except from liberals. Maybe I'm missing something. No big


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I don't want to debate with you, although I'm always available to:D I just was curious about the Koch brothers.

i've never heard anything negative about them, except from liberals. Maybe I'm missing something. No big


Well, there are 50,00 US folks who probably favor them -- their employees.

Sort of like the 2 million of that other dastardly evil company -- WalMart.

- OS

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Guest ThePunisher

It's a good thing we have people like the Koch brothers to counter balance out people like Soros, and that we have conservative talk radio and Fox TV, or we would've already been addressing each other as comrads. Anybody that doesn't understand this is already brainwashed like half of the sheeple in this country.

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Guest cardcutter

It was an interesting read . It has a lot of common sense conclusions. I particularly liked the stopping of future crimes. "If you let him go ,How many more people will he attack,Rob ,or Murder?"

The hand wringers simply don't get it. The bad guys are just as afraid of your having a gun as the limp wrist-ed antis are. It is true that criminals prefer unarmed vvictims

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I am not a Liberal, so I do not agree with Soros either. But the Koch brothers have done lots to adversely affect the economy for their own benefit. I really do not want to get into the details because I am not in the mood for a political debate. Their actions in certain business ventures exemplify greed. It is one thing to be a good business man (which they are both very good at), but it is another to do it at the expense of the entire general poplulation and the nation as a whole.

I'm part of this nation and they've never done anything to hurt me. I guess I'm just lucky.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I guess I would like to hear what those "anti Koch" sentiments really are, since the people

at the Cato Institute have probably done studies that promote capitalism and free markets,

which is something the Koch brothers seem to be very good at. It really depends on one's

definition of greed and how one understands capitalism. The two are actually as different

as night and day.

Their name has been spread around in the last few years with some not so nice attachments

to it. Probably because of their political leaning and they are a threat to Democrat funders

like Soros, who seems to achieve "godliness" in some circles because of his financial prowess,

when in fact he has almost bankrupted sovereign nations. Capitalists don't do that. Cronies

and crooks do.

Oh, well, Who is John Galt?

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I couldn't care less about who the Koch's give money to. A little digging turned up the fact that the Kochs also gave money to NRA-ILA, Goodwill Industries, United Way, Susan G. Koman Foundation (breast cancer), and a host of other charities and philanthropical organizations. So, since teh Kochs gave money to those groups, will you refuse to support them as well?

I have been a Cato supporter for many years. They have always worked to defend individual liberty and a constitutional republic. I'll continue to support them as long as they turn out work as good as this report.

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